i would like to know how i could send information grabbed from an irc server straight to a webpage... example
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how would i send the value of whatever to a web page if you could tell me how this could be done if it can ve done i would appreciate it. thanks
each and every web page well be different, but most (not all) can simply have the intended fields filled in and passed
An example would be
https://forums.mirc.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=161890&an=0&page=0&gonew=1#UNREADhttps://forums.mirc.com/showflat.php is the webpage
? is the token seperator between page and fields
Cat=0&Number=161890&an=0&page=0&gonew=1#UNREAD are the fields ..
.. Cat=0
.. Number=161890
.. an=0
.. page=0
.. gonew=1#UNREAD
So you dont really download the page and fill out the details, you just need to know what webpage to submit the details aleady filled into there fileds back to.
Since you didnt say what website/page it was, this is a broard help only.
PS: Russels is very correct that u need to use sockets for it. I was more trying to help with the common method of passing the data back to the site.