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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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hey all, i'm trying to write a script where everytime a user says something in the main channel (a bot, actually), the script will automatically copy what that person (or bot) said and open a new window and paste it there. kinda like: [9:00a] (JohnDoe) New Announcement: <New Forum Post> Title: 'How to write IRC scripts' posted by 'JaneDoe' - [In this tutorial, JaneDoe will try to help r0uJe with his IRC script.] - To read more about this post, visit - http://www.pleasehelpmemakemyscriptwork.com...and then the script will automatically open a new window (named JohnDoe for example) and it'll basically copy all that JohnDoe said. here's my non-working script so far:
on *:TEXT:*:#TestChannel:{
if ($nick == JohnDoe) && (New isin $1-) && (Announcement isin $1-) {
window -b @JohnDoe
aline @JohnDoe 7[ $+ $time(hh:nn:ss) $+ 7] 4 $+ $1-
what happens when i use my script is that it only copies the first line or sentence which is: [9:00a] (JohnDoe) New Announcement: <New Forum Post> Title: 'How to write IRC ...and it stops there. it does not copy the rest of the announcement (meaning, the next line(s) or sentence(s)). thanks in advance!
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If that's where it stops, is it because 'JohnDoe' is sending the announcement in multiple parts? I can't see why (if sent ias one line) it would stop short.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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If that's where it stops, is it because 'JohnDoe' is sending the announcement in multiple parts? I can't see why (if sent ias one line) it would stop short. JohnDoe is saying the announcement in one long sentence. sometimes, that one sentence breaks up in 4-5 lines (in my IRC client). i have no clue why the script copies only the first line or sentence and stops there. EDIT: the announcement is EXACTLY the same as the example announcement in my original post (and sometimes, longer than that).
Last edited by r0uJe; 15/07/06 05:19 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I think I understand now. It's not the message received, it's the window itself. The -b isn't updating the horizontal scrollbar, and the text continues off-screen with no way or viewing it. I'm not really farmiliar with how it should work, all I can recommend is perhaps using /echo so the line wraps instead of continuing on the same line. Perhaps this is a bug in the way -b is treated?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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aline -hpi @JohnDoe 7[ $+ $time(hh:nn:ss) $+ 7] 4 $+ $1-
Using -hpi with /aline makes the line wrap if it is too long, the wrapped line is indented, and the window button is highlighted.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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aline -hpi @JohnDoe 7[ $+ $time(hh:nn:ss) $+ 7] 4 $+ $1-
Using -hpi with /aline makes the line wrap if it is too long, the wrapped line is indented, and the window button is highlighted.
-genius_at_work thank you SO much for the help!!! adding -hpi worked perfectly! may i ask what -hpi means? i'm guessing h = highlight and i = indent? thanks again! P.S. KingTomato, thanks for the quick responses as well!
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Commands The following commands allow you to manipulate the lines in a custom window. /help /aline /aline [-ahilmnprs] [c] <@name> <text> add line to list /cline [-ahilmnprs] [c] <@name> <N> changes the color of the Nth line to color C /dline [-ahilmnprs] [c] <@name> <N[-N2]> delete Nth line through N2th line /iline [-ahilmnprs] [c] <@name> <N> <text> insert line at Nth line /rline [-ahilmnprs] [c] <@name> <N> <text> replace Nth line /sline [-ahilmnprs] [c] <@name> <N> select Nth line
The c parameter specifies a color number for the line. The -s switch selects the line that was just added and clears the current selections. The -a switch selects a line without clearing the current selections. The -h switch highlights the window's button if it's currently minimized. The -p switch forces the line of text to be wrapped if it's too long to fit on one line. The -r switch is used with /cline to reset a nickname color in a channel listbox to the default color.
The -i switch is used with /aline and /iline to indent a newly added line. The -n switch is used with /aline and /iline to prevent a line from being added if it exists. The -m switch is used with /cline when coloring nicknames in a channel nicklist, and makes mIRC also color the nick in channel messages.
If you are referencing a window which uses a side-listbox, you can specify the -l switch in the above commands to act on the side-listbox.
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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hey! sorry for rudeness and etc.. i`m new in this site and new in forums at all... welll .. i have a problem .. maybe, some1 could help? anyway .. here`s my script: on ^*:text:*:#: { if (%highlightsoundstatus == on) { if (%highlightsound != $null) { if (%highlightsound == beeeep) { beep } if (%highlightsound != beeeep) { splay " $+ %highlightsound $+ " } } } if ($me isin $strip($1-)) { if ($away == $true) { notice $nick as away su priezastim: 4-= %awaymsg =- . Manes nera jau 4-= $duration($awaytime,1) =- | write -a awaylog.txt $timestamp < $+ $nick $+ > $1- } if ($nick isop #) { flash $chan | window -g2 $chan | echo # 4 $+ $timestamp 10 $+ $chr(171) 4 $+ $chr(64) $+ $+ $nick $+ $+ 10 $chr(187) 8 $1- | halt } if ($nick isvoice #) { flash $chan | window -g2 $chan | echo # 4 $+ $timestamp 10 $+ $chr(171) 4 $+ $chr(134) $+ $+ $nick $+ $+ 10 $chr(187) 8 $1- | halt } if (($nick !isop #) && ($nick !isvoice #)) { flash $chan | window -g2 $chan | echo # 4 $+ $timestamp 10 $+ $chr(171) 4 $+ $+ $nick $+ $+ 10 $chr(187) 8 $1- | halt } } else { if ($nick isop #) { window -g1 $chan | echo # $timestamp $+ 10 $chr(171) $+ 4 $+ $chr(64) $+ $+ $nick $+ 10 $+ $chr(187) 0 $1- | halt } if ($nick isvoice #) { window -g1 $chan | echo # $timestamp $+ 10 $chr(171) $+ 4 $+ $chr(134) $+ $+ $nick $+ 10 $+ $chr(187) 0 $1- | halt } if (($nick !isop #) && ($nick !isvoice #)) { window -g1 $chan | echo # $timestamp $+ 10 $chr(171) $+ 4 $+ $+ $+ $nick $+ 10 $+ $chr(187) 0 $1- | halt } } } and the problem with it is very simple... everything works as i wanted, except one thing... when some1 draws a ASCI pic, i can`t see it properly.. i meen, i can`t see all the "spaces" between symbols... any ideas, what should i do thnx
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You're altering the text output. It's just mIRC's temper with consecutive spacing, that's all.You may try $rawtext, but even then I think you're not going to have the desired output. I'm not exactly positive though, i don't go in to too much depth of 'theming' mIRC.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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First off, this should've been put as a New Post, not as a reply to a post/topic already started. Secondly, it's a lot easier to read and work with code when the Code Tags are used. I regret that I can't offer you a solution to your problem, however, I would like to offer you the following code, which is a re-write of your current code, condensing common elements, re-writing for a 'better' script (ie: proper usage of the if/elseif/else format and removal of the halt statements) on ^*:text:*:#: {
if (%highlightsoundstatus == on) {
if (%highlightsound) {
$iif(%highlightsound == beeeep,beep,splay " $+ %highlightsound $+ ")
if ($me isin $strip($1-)) {
if $away {
notice $nick as away su priezastim: 4-= %awaymsg =- . Manes nera jau 4-= $duration($awaytime,1) =-
write -a awaylog.txt $timestamp < $+ $nick $+ > $1-
flash $chan
window -g2 $chan
echo # 4 $+ $timestamp $+ 10 $chr(171) $+ 4 $+ $iif($nick isop #,$chr(64),$iif($nick isvoice #,$chr(134))) $+ $nick $+ 10 $+ $chr(187) 0 $1-
else {
window -g1 $chan
echo # $timestamp $+ 10 $chr(171) $+ 4 $+ $iif($nick isop #,$chr(64),$iif($nick isvoice #,$chr(134))) $+ $nick $+ 10 $+ $chr(187) 0 $1-
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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emmm ... thnx for script, but.. it`s not what i wanted.. in mine everything`s exactly as i wanted.. only problem is those "spaces" and you script would do tha same sh..... sorry `fcourse, some adjujstments should be done in "ifs" but... just can`t figgure it out about spaces...:/ that`s all i`m after here...
Last edited by Mr_Chaoss; 20/07/06 06:42 PM.