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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Irc is dieing. And Khaled is killing it.Mirc has the same apperance as v.1 still.We want shiny interface! we want new appearance! we want something cool! we want video support! we want audio support! please khaled do not kill irc. if you can't do it then make mirc open source.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Speak for yourself please. IRC seems more active than ever to me. 
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Irc is dieing. And Khaled is killing it.Mirc has the same apperance as v.1 still.We want shiny interface! we want new appearance! we want something cool! we want video support! we want audio support! please khaled do not kill irc. if you can't do it then make mirc open source. so, because you cant watch your imovie clips or TV in mIRC then it is killing irc (you mentioned audio, im guessing you want audio chat) so tell me, how will video and (guessing) audio chat improve IRC? IRC is a text based, low bandwidth, medium. If you want video chat then go on the web and get one, there are some, audio chat? those too. they have absolutely nothing to do with IRC and if you think that you can TALK to 10 20 50 a 100 people at one time in a video or even audio only program, you must be dreaming. If a glossy frame is all that makes life bareable for you, then you are a marketing departents dream.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I like mirc's simple interface. I'd rather keep mirc useful, small download and small footprint than fill it full of 'bling', bogging it down and making it like windows xp (teh pretty making the whole thing so much slower).
There are enough scripts, dlls and etc around to change mirc looks and abilities radically.
If you want your mirc running like its on a 486, be my guest, don't assume the rest of us do.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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video and audio... ok.. quit it, but mirc deserves a shiny appearance..
Last edited by areels; 10/06/06 07:09 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Being shiny and sparkly won't make mIRC work better as an IRC client. The visual appearance of things that are around the chat windows doesn't make the words magically dance around on the screen. As for the actual chat itself, that is determined by the IRC protocol, so Khaled can't just add new 'features' to the protocol.
I'm not sure what shiny things you think should be added.. maybe you can give some more specific suggestions to convince everyone here. mIRC already automatically blends in with the current windows styling. Making it MORE shiny than windows itself would just make it look tacky. Kind of like putting 26inch spinners on your Honda Civic.. it would look rediculous and out of place. And that is all on top of the point that was already made. Adding more fancy (yet completely useless) styling would cause mIRC to become a resource hog like many other shiny programs that are out there.
Maybe you would be happier with another, shinier program. Or, better yet.. put your money where your mouth is and create your own IRC client with the exact shininess you are searching for. But then again, if you are only searching for shininess, maybe it's not a new IRC client that you really want.. maybe you really want something else shiny, like a set of keys or a fishing lure. Keep in mind that in the end, no one is forcing you to use 'unshiny' mIRC.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Weren't you who said "finally xchat did what i want yay! i don't need mirc anymore"? Why (since 2004) do you keep asking for new mIRC interface improvements? If Khaled were to implement what you wrote: "i want to see flower instead of @ , i wanna see dolphine instead of + , i wanna use colored nickname, i want to use picture instead of nick , i want to put graphical topic, i want more fun,"... can you imagine mIRC's multiple channel windows open and all of them having 100s and 100s (some channels DO have that many users) of colors and avatars? Sounds too resource-consuming to me... :S I'm happy with mIRC the way it is, and it's been in and out of my computer for over 8 years (and I could assure you that's the general opinion about mIRC). And as long as there are channels with over 400 people at the same time (and I'm not talking about bots or the so-called "leechers") IRC's not going to die... 'nuff said 
Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I just did a search for all of your posts and noticed that you complaim a lot about the interface. In each of your threads you use the argument that "we" want a shiny new interface - now, after your fourth post on the subject, I feel the need to ask who "we" is, considering 90% of people that reply to your threads disagree with your ideas.
I think the masses have already spoken and I don't need to repeat each of the reasons given against a new interface, but I will say this; STOP. You are getting boring. You make a lot of these threads and not once do you back up your statements. You never give a reason as to why there's anything wrong with the current interface, and finally, the idea that Khaled should ignore bugs so he can improve the interface is absurd.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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"Being shiny and sparkly won't make mIRC work better as an IRC "client." it's working good already.now it's time to change visual. "The visual appearance of things that are around the chat windows doesn't make the words magically dance around on the screen. " it's not for dancing words, it's just for seeing more beautifull things. "As for the actual chat itself, that is determined by the IRC protocol, so Khaled can't just add new 'features' to the protocol." who can then? "I'm not sure what shiny things you think should be added.. maybe you can give some more specific suggestions to convince everyone here. mIRC already automatically blends in with the current windows styling. Making it MORE shiny than windows itself would just make it look tacky" seeing some 16 million colored icon instead of @ forexample. a smiley icon for  etc... "Kind of like putting 26inch spinners on your Honda Civic.. it would look rediculous and out of place. And that is all on top of the point that was already made. Adding more fancy (yet completely useless) styling would cause mIRC to become a resource hog like many other shiny programs that are out there." computers are enought to handle that. And you can just disable new interface like in winamp. "Maybe you would be happier with another, shinier program." no mirc is best, nobody can make better. khaled is best in this. "Or, better yet.. put your money where your mouth is and create your own IRC client with the exact shininess you are searching for." i'm not a software developer. sorry i don't know how to create software, can't do that. and that's not my job. "But then again, if you are only searching for shininess, maybe it's not a new IRC client that you really want.. maybe you really want something else shiny, like a set of keys or a fishing lure. Keep in mind that in the end, no one is forcing you to use 'unshiny' mIRC." there's no alternative to mirc, i tried almost all other irc clients but no, only mirc is usefull.
Last edited by areels; 10/06/06 08:37 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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there's no alternative to mirc, i tried almost all other irc clients but no, only mirc is usefull. A minute ago you argued that mIRC was "killing IRC". You contradict yourself so many times it's unreal.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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/me chucks a few shiny stones on the ground..... there see guys hes content now!
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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there's no alternative to mirc, i tried almost all other irc clients but no, only mirc is usefull. A minute ago you argued that mIRC was "killing IRC". You contradict yourself so many times it's unreal. i said khaled is kiling irc, not mirc. khaled is killing irc because he is not improving interface.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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and i can't understand, why you all are against something more beautiful?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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A good interface is not going to improve IRC, just how a great CD player would not improve a bad song. The thing that gives you access to IRC cannot improve IRC, it can only offer you what IRC already offers.
Do you understand?
I'm not against a better interface, but I don't mind the current interface either. I, like many others, believe that time is better spent adding actual features to mIRC rather than just prettying it up.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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A good interface is not going to improve IRC, just how a great CD player would not improve a bad song. The thing that gives you access to IRC cannot improve IRC, it can only offer you what IRC already offers.
Do you understand?
I'm not against a better interface, but I don't mind the current interface either. I, like many others, believe that time is better spent adding actual features to mIRC rather than just prettying it up. msn messenger have more users than icq now. how msn did that? feautures of icq are much better than msn. what is the reason? i think it's just because msn looks more beautiful than icq.
Last edited by areels; 10/06/06 08:52 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I think it's because msn is almost forced on people that use windows. Much the same way that most people use internet explorer.
However, that's irrelevant.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If MSN is so beautiful, then why don't you use that instead of mIRC? Like I said before, no one is forcing you to use mIRC. Even if it is the best IRC client around, no one is forcing you to use it. No one is forcing you to use IRC at all.
mIRC is so versatile, that you or someone else could create external scripts or programs to make mIRC look however you want. Isn't that exactly how Winamp works? You download Winamp, and it is just a simple interface. In order to make it look shiny, you have to download addons (also known as scripts) of different sorts. You'll probably have to pay someone a lot of money to get exactly what you want, but that is the price for being picky.
You are just the type of person who wants the world to bend over backwards just to make you happy. Well, guess what.. that's not how it works. It's not Khaled or anyone else's problem that you are unhappy. Clearly the majority of mIRC users are happy with the appearance as it is now. It is simple to use and it works well. How does that old saying go? "If it isn't broken, don't fix it?"
Edit: After reading through your previous posts (all are about this same thing) it is pretty clear to me that you don't understand the relationship and differences between mIRC and the IRC protocol. The IRC protocol is a predefined set of rules that all compliant clients (mIRC is a client) must obey in order to be considered compliant. The IRC protocol doesn't support more than 16 colors, images for topics or nicks, flowers or dolphins for modes or any of the other things that you have suggested in the past. Khaled didn't create the IRC protocol (it was created by Jarkko Oikarinen in 1988), so he can't just add features whenever he wants. If he did add some of those features to mIRC and created some way for them to be transported over the existing IRC networks, any other client besides mIRC wouldn't be able to understand what the mIRC codes mean and the channels would be full of gibberish.
No matter how much you want all these useless additions, it is highly unlikely that Khaled will implement any of them in the default mIRC installation. Not just because he doesn't want to, but because he is bound by the IRC protocol not to.
Last edited by genius_at_work; 10/06/06 11:33 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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no it isnt no, he isnt Mirc has the same apperance as v.1 still Stick with what works. Besides, as others said, there are scripts that can change the look of it. Find one We want shiny interface! we want new appearance! No, Id rather have a better program than a shiney one. Let's face it, MS's programs are shiney but many people hate them with a passion. AOL's are shiney but hated. MSN is shiney but hated. Shiney does NOT mean good There is lots of kewl features in mirc - perhaps you should explore them. we want video support! we want audio support! Some do yes, some dont. Dont PRETEND to speak for the rest of us in your comments when you clearly havent spoken with the bulk of usplease khaled do not kill irc. if you can't do it then make mirc open source. He's not killing IRC or mIRC at all and making it open source wouldnt help the matter at all I dont believe. Besides, this is a source of income for him - give the guy a break. You dont like HIS program? use another or write one yourself.
Those who fail history are doomed to repeat it
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Don't worry, this guy will bicker back and forth a few times and then fade into obscurity for a year or so.