(it's there as of 6.17 so if you didn't update your serverlist it might indeed not be there)
It's mostly people from romania/macedonia who join... massive joins to the #macedonia channel
[19th|05:51:36] » (JOIN) MikeChat (MikeChat!******@*******) joined #macedonia
[19th|05:51:56] (MSG) <MikeChat> oh dang, i thought this was undernet!
[19th|05:52:00] (MSG) <MikeChat> my bad :)
[19th|05:52:04] » (PART) MikeChat (MikeChat!********@********) left #macedonia
I think it's really a matter of people not reading right...
mmm should put up a feature suggestion to have the server list box behave like a html <select> box with <optgroup> tags for the networks