This can already be done using /* to start the range of lines that are to be treated as comments, and */ to end the range
Many editors have a "Comment/uncomment selected range" option in right click menus that automatically comments all of the selected text. It's pretty much a standard IDE feature.
Personally if this was to be implemented, I would hope that there would be a way to disable it for those that don't want it.
Agreed. Being able to change the colour and font would be a plus too.
While I can't speak for the regex, it seems to me that the Find/Replace (on the find part) already does a wildcard search with the format of <search string*>
It does *search string* so the suggestion still stands. Allowing us to control the way it searches with wildcards would be nice.
Editor enhancements have been suggested MANY times. Try using the search feature to see the arguments brought up for/against them being added.
I can't see the editor being updated in the near future because it's not as important as many other things. I'd love to see it updated also.