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Joined: Apr 2006
Posts: 13
LandbO Offline OP
Pikka bird
OP Offline
Pikka bird
Joined: Apr 2006
Posts: 13
on 1:text:`Register:#: {
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) == Yes) { Notice $nick You already Made a Account! | halt }
Notice $nick What Is Your Characters Name? 4Help: `Name ChrName
on *:text:*`Name *:*:{
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) == Yes) { Notice $nick You already Made a Account! | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Name) == Yes) { Notice $nick You already Made a Name! | halt }
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt }
if ([censored] isin $2-) { Notice $nick 4Please Reword It | halt }
if (/ isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please Reword it! | halt }
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Name $2-
writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Name Yes
Notice $nick What Type Of Character Do You Want? 3Types: Offensive Or Defensive 4Help: `Type Offensive Or Defensive
on 1:TEXT:`Type *:*:{
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) == Yes) { Notice $nick You already Made a Account! | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Name) != Yes) { /notice $nick Please Choose a Name `Name (Name) | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Type) == Yes) { /notice $nick You Already Chose Your Type! | halt }
if ($2 == Offensive) {
Writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Type Yes
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Type $2
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Money 50
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Aura 1
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick BAura 4
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Defense $Rand(5,10)
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Attack $Rand(10,15)
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick MHp $Rand(90,110)
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick MStamina 7
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Level 1
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Exp 0
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick ExpNeeded 10
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move1 Punch
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move2 None
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick WeaponMove None
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick SpecialMove DragonFist
Notice $Nick For Your Account Safety, PM $Me With `Password APass
if ($2 == Defensive) {
Writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Type Yes
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Type $2
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Money 50
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Aura 1
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick BAura 4
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Defense $Rand(10,15)
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Attack $Rand(5,10)
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick MHp $Rand(100,120)
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick MStamina 5
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Level 1
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Exp 0
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick ExpNeeded 10
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move1 Punch
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move2 None
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick WeaponMove None
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick SpecialMove HeavyFist
Notice $Nick For Your Account Safety, PM $Me With `Password APass
on *:text:*`Password *:?:{
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Name) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Choose a Name `Name (Name) | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Type) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Choose a Type `Type (Type) | halt }
if (/ isin $2) { Notice $nick Please Reword it! | halt }
if ($ isin $2) { Notice $nick Please Reword it! | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Pass) == $null) {
if ($2 == $Null) { Notice $nick Please Type `Password (Password) | halt }
Writeini $nick $+ .ini Pass Pass $2
Writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Complete Yes
Mode %Chanset +v $nick
Notice $nick 8Your Password is9 $2
Notice $nick Your Registration is Complete Type 9`Help8 To get Help! 13Enjoy!
writeini $nick $+ .ini Pass Logged Yes
Heal $Nick
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Log in, By PMing $Me with `Login PassYouMade | halt }
if ($2 == $Null) { Notice $nick Please Type `Password (Password) | halt }
Writeini $nick $+ .ini Pass Pass $2
Mode %Chanset +v $nick
Notice $nick 8You Changed Your Password too9 $2
writeini $nick $+ .ini Pass Logged Yes
on *:text:*`Login *:?:{
if ($2 == $readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Pass)) {
Writeini $nick $+ .ini Pass Logged Yes
Notice $nick You have logged in!
Mode %Chanset +v $nick
on *:text:*`LogOut:*: {
writeini $nick $+ .ini Pass Logged No
notice $nick You have now logged out!
Mode %Chanset -v $nick
on *:join:#:{
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) && (%ChanSet == $Chan) { Notice $nick Welcome to %ChanSet $+ ! You Have Not Registered, Type `Register | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) == Yes) && (%ChanSet == $Chan) { Notice $nick Welcome to %ChanSet $+ ! You are Registered Please Type `Help for Help! }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) == Yes) {
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { halt }
writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Pass Logged No
on *:nick:{
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Name) == Yes) { Remove -b $Nick $+ .ini }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { halt }
writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Pass Logged No
Mode %Chanset -v $nick
on *:part:#:{
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Name) == Yes) { Remove -b $Nick $+ .ini }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { halt }
writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Pass Logged No
on *:Quit:{
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Name) == Yes) { Remove -b $Nick $+ .ini }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { halt }
writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Pass Logged No
alias Name {
set %Aura $readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,Aura)
set %BAura $readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,BAura)
return  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura $+ $readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,Name) $+ 
on *:text:`Stats:#: {
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login, By PMing $Me with `Login PassYouMade! | halt }
Notice $Nick Chr: $Name($Nick) 15-10 Hp $+ / $+ Max Hp:14 $Stat($nick,Hp) $+ / $+ $Stat($nick,MHP) 15-10 Stamina $+ / $+ Max Stamina:14 $Stat($nick,Stamina) $+ / $+ $Stat($nick,MStamina) 15-10 Attack:14 $Stat($nick,Attack) 15-10 Defense:14 $Stat($nick,Defense)
on 1:text:`Help:#:{
Notice $nick 3Help Topics:14 Register - Battle - Healing - Shop 3Type `Help (Topic)
on 1:text:`Help*:#: {
If ($2 == Register) { notice $nick Type `Register | halt }
If ($2 == Battle) { notice $nick Type `Moves Too see Your Moves `AttackName Person Too Attack! To Enter Battle field and Leave: `Enter & `Leave | halt }
If ($2 == Healing) { notice $nick To Heal Type `Inn | halt }
If ($2 == Shop) { notice $nick Type `Shop to see what Items are available. Type `Money To see how much money you have. To buy the command is `Buy (Item) | halt }
If ($2 == Items) { notice $nick Type `Items to see what You Have. Type `Use Potion To use Potion! Type `Equip Sword to equip it and `Unequip Sword To remove it | halt }
on 1:text:`Moves:#:{
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login, By PMing $Me with `Login PassYouMade! | halt }
Unset %Moves
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Move1) != None) { Set %Moves %Moves $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Move1) }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Move2) != None) { Set %Moves %Moves $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Move2) }
Notice $nick 10Attacks You Know:15 %Moves 10Weapon Move:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,WeaponMove) 10Special Move:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,SpecialMove)
Unset %Moves
on 1:text:`Money:#:{
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login, By PMing $Me with `Login PassYouMade! | halt }
Notice $nick Money:7 $Stat($nick,Money)
on 1:text:`Items:#:{
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
Unset %Items
Unset %Weapon
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,Potion) >= 1) { //set %Items %Items $Item($nick,Potion) }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Weapon,Sword) == Yes) { //set %Weapon %Weapon Sword }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Weapon,Sword) == Equipped) { //set %Weapon %Weapon Sword(Equipped) }
Notice $nick 3Items:15 %Items 3Weapons:15 %Weapon
Unset %Items
Unset %Weapon
alias Item {
return $2 $+ ( $+ $readini($1 $+ .ini,Items,$2) $+ )
alias Stat {
return $readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,$2)
on *:text:`Enter:#: {
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login, By PMing $Me with `Login PassYouMade! | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Hp) <= 0) { Notice $nick Please Heal | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick You are Already Battling! | halt }
if ($timer(Heal $+ $nick).secs != $null) { /notice $nick You Are Healing | halt }
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick fighting yes
Set %batlist %batlist $nick
Msg %ChanSet $Name($nick) 3Enters The Battle Field!
on *:text:`Leave:#: {
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login, By PMing $Me with `Login PassYouMade! | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { Notice $nick You Are Not Fighting | halt }
if ($timer(Leave $+ $nick).secs != $null) { /notice $nick You Are Already Leaving | halt }
TimerLeave $+ $nick 1 15 /leave $nick
Msg %ChanSet $Name($nick) 3is Leaving The Battle Field in 15 Seconds!
on *:text:*`Inn:#:{
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login, By PMing $Me with `Login PassYouMade! | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) == Yes) { /notice $nick You are Fighting! | halt }
if ($timer(Heal $+ $nick).secs != $null) { /notice $nick You Are Already Healing | halt }
Notice $nick You will Heal In 30 Seconds!
Timerheal $+ $nick 1 30 /Heal $nick
on 1:TEXT:`Atl:#:{
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login, By PMing $Me with `Login PassYouMade! | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) != yes) { Notice $nick You Are Not Attacking! | halt }
if ($timer(Attack $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { notice $nick A Glitch was Found, It has Been Fixed! | Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking No | Halt }
Notice $nick Attack Time Left:7 $duration($timer(Attack $+ $nick).secs))
on 1:TEXT:`Punch*:*:{
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login, By PMing $Me with `Login PassYouMade! | halt }
if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Don't Attack Yourself! | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { Notice $nick You are not Fighting! | halt }
if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,fighting) != yes) { Notice $nick $2 is not Fighting! | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You are Attacking! | halt }
Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,move1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,move2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,WeaponMove) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,SpecialMove)
if ($istok(%attacks,Punch,32) == $true) {
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
timerattack $+ $nick 1 15 /Punch $nick $2
Msg %ChanSet $Name($nick) 12Dashes Towards $Name($2) $+ 12!
on 1:TEXT:`DragonFist*:*:{
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login, By PMing $Me with `Login PassYouMade! | halt }
if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Don't Attack Yourself! | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { Notice $nick You are not Fighting! | halt }
if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,fighting) != yes) { Notice $nick $2 is not Fighting! | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You are Attacking! | halt }
Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,move1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,move2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,WeaponMove) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,SpecialMove)
if ($istok(%attacks,DragonFist,32) == $true) {
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Stamina) < 6) { Notice $nick You dont have enough Stamina! | halt }
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Stamina $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Stamina) - 6)
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
timerattack $+ $nick 1 25 /DragonFist $nick $2
Msg %ChanSet $Name($nick) 12Clenches Fist & Dashes Towards $Name($2) $+ 12!
on 1:TEXT:`HeavyFist*:*:{
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login, By PMing $Me with `Login PassYouMade! | halt }
if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Don't Attack Yourself! | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { Notice $nick You are not Fighting! | halt }
if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,fighting) != yes) { Notice $nick $2 is not Fighting! | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You are Attacking! | halt }
Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,move1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,move2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,WeaponMove) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,SpecialMove)
if ($istok(%attacks,HeavyFist,32) == $true) {
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Stamina) < 6) { Notice $nick You dont have enough Stamina! | halt }
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Stamina $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Stamina) - 6)
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
timerattack $+ $nick 1 25 /HeavyFist $nick $2
Msg %ChanSet $Name($nick) 12Clenches Fist & Dashes Towards $Name($2) $+ 12!
on 1:TEXT:`Slash*:*:{
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login, By PMing $Me with `Login PassYouMade! | halt }
if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Don't Attack Yourself! | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { Notice $nick You are not Fighting! | halt }
if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,fighting) != yes) { Notice $nick $2 is not Fighting! | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You are Attacking! | halt }
Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,move1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,move2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,WeaponMove) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,SpecialMove)
if ($istok(%attacks,Slash,32) == $true) {
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
timerattack $+ $nick 1 20 /Slash $nick $2
Msg %ChanSet $Name($nick) 12Dashes Towards $Name($2) $+ 12!
on *:text:`Shop:#: {
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login, By PMing $Me with `Login PassYouMade! | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick You are Battling! | halt }
Notice $nick Potion(100) 0-9 Sword(1000)
on *:text:`Use Potion:#: {
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login, By PMing $Me with `Login PassYouMade! | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,items,Potion) <= 0) { /notice $nick Not Enough Potions! | halt }
Writeini $nick $+ .ini Items Potion $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,Potion) - 1)
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Hp $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Hp) + 50)
set %Hp $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Hp)
set %MHp $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,MHp)
if (%Hp > %MHp) { writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Hp %MHp }
on *:text:*`buy*:#:{
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login, By PMing $Me with `Login PassYouMade! | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) == yes) { /notice $nick You are in Battle! | halt }
if (Potion == $2) {
set %Price 100
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) < %Price) { /notice $nick Not Enough Money! | halt }
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick money $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) - %Price)
Writeini $nick $+ .ini items $2 $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,items,$2) + 1)
Notice $nick You Bought a $2
if (Sword == $2) {
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Weapon,$2) == Yes) { /notice $nick You Already have $2 | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Weapon,$2) == Equipped) { /notice $nick You Already have $2 | halt }
set %Price 1000
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) < %Price) { /notice $nick Not Enough Money! | halt }
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick money $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) - %Price)
Writeini $nick $+ .ini Weapon $2 Yes
Notice $nick You Bought a $2
on *:text:`Equip Sword:#: {
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login, By PMing $Me with `Login PassYouMade! | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Weapon,$2) != Yes) { /notice $nick You Dont have $2 | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,WeaponMove) != $Null) { /notice $nick Please UnEquip a Weapon! | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) < 5) { /notice $nick You Cant Handle $2 $+ ! | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) == yes) { /notice $nick You are in Battle! | halt }
Writeini $nick $+ .ini Weapon $2 Equipped
Notice $nick You Equipped a Sword!
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,WeaponMove) == None) { writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick WeaponMove Slash | Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) 10Learned 7"Slash" | halt }
on *:text:`UnEquip Sword:#: {
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login, By PMing $Me with `Login PassYouMade! | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Weapon,Sword) != Equipped) { /notice $nick Your Not Equipped With A Sword | halt }
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) == yes) { /notice $nick You are in Battle! | halt }
writeini $nick $+ .ini Weapon Sword Yes
Notice $nick 4You UnEquip Sword
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,WeaponMove) == Slash) { writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick WeaponMove None | Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) 10Lost 7"Slash" | Halt }

Btw there ise an Ini File Called Punch+Bag.Ini in c:/BattleBoT/punch+bag.ini

motto=Touch My BAG!



the channel the bot is on is #IRCbattle

Last edited by LandbO; 07/04/06 02:04 PM.
Joined: Sep 2005
Posts: 116
Vogon poet
Vogon poet
Joined: Sep 2005
Posts: 116
well wut goes wrong give us some place to look at not the neire script and wut is wrong ?

Joined: Apr 2006
Posts: 13
LandbO Offline OP
Pikka bird
OP Offline
Pikka bird
Joined: Apr 2006
Posts: 13
`Register does not give anything and thats the first thing you shall do on the channel

Joined: Apr 2006
Posts: 13
LandbO Offline OP
Pikka bird
OP Offline
Pikka bird
Joined: Apr 2006
Posts: 13
on 1:text:`Register:#: { 
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) == Yes) { Notice $nick You already Made a Account! | halt } 
Notice $nick What Is Your Characters Name? 4Help: `Name ChrName 
on *:text:*`Name *:*:{ 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) == Yes) { Notice $nick You already Made a Account! | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Name) == Yes) { Notice $nick You already Made a Name! | halt } 
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt } 
if ([censored] isin $2-) { Notice $nick 4Please Reword It | halt } 
if (/ isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please Reword it! | halt } 
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Name $2- 
writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Name Yes 
Notice $nick What Type Of Character Do You Want? 3Types: Offensive Or Defensive 4Help: `Type Offensive Or Defensive 
on 1:TEXT:`Type *:*:{ 
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) == Yes) { Notice $nick You already Made a Account! | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Name) != Yes) { /notice $nick Please Choose a Name `Name (Name) | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Type) == Yes) { /notice $nick You Already Chose Your Type! | halt } 
if ($2 == Offensive) { 
Writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Type Yes 
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Type $2 
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Money 50 
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Aura 1 
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick BAura 4 
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Defense $Rand(5,10) 
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Attack $Rand(10,15) 
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick MHp $Rand(90,110) 
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick MStamina 7 
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Level 1 
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Exp 0 
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick ExpNeeded 10 
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move1 Punch 
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move2 None 
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick WeaponMove None 
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick SpecialMove DragonFist 
Notice $Nick For Your Account Safety, PM $Me With `Password APass 
if ($2 == Defensive) { 
Writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Type Yes 
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Type $2 
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Money 50 
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Aura 1 
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick BAura 4 
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Defense $Rand(10,15) 
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Attack $Rand(5,10) 
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick MHp $Rand(100,120) 
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick MStamina 5 
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Level 1 
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Exp 0 
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick ExpNeeded 10 
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move1 Punch 
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move2 None 
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick WeaponMove None 
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick SpecialMove HeavyFist 
Notice $Nick For Your Account Safety, PM $Me With `Password APass 
on *:text:*`Password *:?:{ 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Name) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Choose a Name `Name (Name) | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Type) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Choose a Type `Type (Type) | halt } 
if (/ isin $2) { Notice $nick Please Reword it! | halt } 
if ($ isin $2) { Notice $nick Please Reword it! | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Pass) == $null) { 
if ($2 == $Null) { Notice $nick Please Type `Password (Password) | halt } 
Writeini $nick $+ .ini Pass Pass $2 
Writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Complete Yes 
Mode %Chanset +v $nick 
Notice $nick 8Your Password is9 $2 
Notice $nick Your Registration is Complete Type 9`Help8 To get Help! 13Enjoy! 
writeini $nick $+ .ini Pass Logged Yes 
Heal $Nick 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Log in, By PMing $Me with `Login PassYouMade | halt } 
if ($2 == $Null) { Notice $nick Please Type `Password (Password) | halt } 
Writeini $nick $+ .ini Pass Pass $2 
Mode %Chanset +v $nick 
Notice $nick 8You Changed Your Password too9 $2 
writeini $nick $+ .ini Pass Logged Yes 
on *:text:*`Login *:?:{ 
if ($2 == $readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Pass)) { 
Writeini $nick $+ .ini Pass Logged Yes 
Notice $nick You have logged in! 
Mode %Chanset +v $nick 
on *:text:*`LogOut:*: { 
writeini $nick $+ .ini Pass Logged No 
notice $nick You have now logged out! 
Mode %Chanset -v $nick 
on *:join:#:{ 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) &amp;&amp; (%ChanSet == $Chan) { Notice $nick Welcome to %ChanSet $+ ! You Have Not Registered, Type `Register | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) == Yes) &amp;&amp; (%ChanSet == $Chan) { Notice $nick Welcome to %ChanSet $+ ! You are Registered Please Type `Help for Help! } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) == Yes) { 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { halt } 
writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Pass Logged No 
on *:nick:{ 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) &amp;&amp; ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Name) == Yes) { Remove -b $Nick $+ .ini } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { halt } 
writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Pass Logged No 
Mode %Chanset -v $nick 
on *:part:#:{ 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) &amp;&amp; ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Name) == Yes) { Remove -b $Nick $+ .ini } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { halt } 
writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Pass Logged No 
on *:Quit:{ 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) &amp;&amp; ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Name) == Yes) { Remove -b $Nick $+ .ini } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { halt } 
writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Pass Logged No 
alias Name { 
set %Aura $readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,Aura) 
set %BAura $readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,BAura) 
return  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura $+ $readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,Name) $+  
on *:text:`Stats:#: { 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login, By PMing $Me with `Login PassYouMade! | halt } 
Notice $Nick Chr: $Name($Nick) 15-10 Hp $+ / $+ Max Hp:14 $Stat($nick,Hp) $+ / $+ $Stat($nick,MHP) 15-10 Stamina $+ / $+ Max Stamina:14 $Stat($nick,Stamina) $+ / $+ $Stat($nick,MStamina) 15-10 Attack:14 $Stat($nick,Attack) 15-10 Defense:14 $Stat($nick,Defense) 
on 1:text:`Help:#:{ 
Notice $nick 3Help Topics:14 Register - Battle - Healing - Shop 3Type `Help (Topic) 
on 1:text:`Help*:#: { 
If ($2 == Register) { notice $nick Type `Register | halt } 
If ($2 == Battle) { notice $nick Type `Moves Too see Your Moves `AttackName Person Too Attack! To Enter Battle field and Leave: `Enter &amp; `Leave | halt } 
If ($2 == Healing) { notice $nick To Heal Type `Inn | halt } 
If ($2 == Shop) { notice $nick Type `Shop to see what Items are available. Type `Money To see how much money you have. To buy the command is `Buy (Item) | halt } 
If ($2 == Items) { notice $nick Type `Items to see what You Have. Type `Use Potion To use Potion! Type `Equip Sword to equip it and `Unequip Sword To remove it | halt } 
on 1:text:`Moves:#:{ 
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login, By PMing $Me with `Login PassYouMade! | halt } 
Unset %Moves 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Move1) != None) { Set %Moves %Moves $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Move1) } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Move2) != None) { Set %Moves %Moves $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Move2) } 
Notice $nick 10Attacks You Know:15 %Moves 10Weapon Move:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,WeaponMove) 10Special Move:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,SpecialMove) 
Unset %Moves 
on 1:text:`Money:#:{ 
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login, By PMing $Me with `Login PassYouMade! | halt } 
Notice $nick Money:7 $Stat($nick,Money) 
on 1:text:`Items:#:{ 
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { /notice $nick Login! | halt } 
Unset %Items 
Unset %Weapon 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,Potion) &gt;= 1) { //set %Items %Items $Item($nick,Potion) } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Weapon,Sword) == Yes) { //set %Weapon %Weapon Sword } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Weapon,Sword) == Equipped) { //set %Weapon %Weapon Sword(Equipped) } 
Notice $nick 3Items:15 %Items 3Weapons:15 %Weapon 
Unset %Items 
Unset %Weapon 
alias Item { 
return $2 $+ ( $+ $readini($1 $+ .ini,Items,$2) $+ ) 
alias Stat { 
return $readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,$2) 
on *:text:`Enter:#: { 
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login, By PMing $Me with `Login PassYouMade! | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Hp) &lt;= 0) { Notice $nick Please Heal | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick You are Already Battling! | halt } 
if ($timer(Heal $+ $nick).secs != $null) { /notice $nick You Are Healing | halt } 
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick fighting yes 
Set %batlist %batlist $nick 
Msg %ChanSet $Name($nick) 3Enters The Battle Field! 
on *:text:`Leave:#: { 
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login, By PMing $Me with `Login PassYouMade! | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { Notice $nick You Are Not Fighting | halt } 
if ($timer(Leave $+ $nick).secs != $null) { /notice $nick You Are Already Leaving | halt } 
TimerLeave $+ $nick 1 15 /leave $nick 
Msg %ChanSet $Name($nick) 3is Leaving The Battle Field in 15 Seconds! 
on *:text:*`Inn:#:{ 
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login, By PMing $Me with `Login PassYouMade! | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) == Yes) { /notice $nick You are Fighting! | halt } 
if ($timer(Heal $+ $nick).secs != $null) { /notice $nick You Are Already Healing | halt } 
Notice $nick You will Heal In 30 Seconds! 
Timerheal $+ $nick 1 30 /Heal $nick 
on 1:TEXT:`Atl:#:{ 
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login, By PMing $Me with `Login PassYouMade! | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) != yes) { Notice $nick You Are Not Attacking! | halt } 
if ($timer(Attack $+ $nick).secs = $null) &amp;&amp; ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { notice $nick A Glitch was Found, It has Been Fixed! | Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking No | Halt } 
Notice $nick Attack Time Left:7 $duration($timer(Attack $+ $nick).secs)) 
on 1:TEXT:`Punch*:*:{ 
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login, By PMing $Me with `Login PassYouMade! | halt } 
if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Don't Attack Yourself! | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { Notice $nick You are not Fighting! | halt } 
if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,fighting) != yes) { Notice $nick $2 is not Fighting! | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You are Attacking! | halt } 
Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,move1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,move2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,WeaponMove) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,SpecialMove) 
if ($istok(%attacks,Punch,32) == $true) { 
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes 
timerattack $+ $nick 1 15 /Punch $nick $2 
Msg %ChanSet $Name($nick) 12Dashes Towards $Name($2) $+ 12! 
on 1:TEXT:`DragonFist*:*:{ 
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login, By PMing $Me with `Login PassYouMade! | halt } 
if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Don't Attack Yourself! | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { Notice $nick You are not Fighting! | halt } 
if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,fighting) != yes) { Notice $nick $2 is not Fighting! | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You are Attacking! | halt } 
Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,move1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,move2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,WeaponMove) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,SpecialMove) 
if ($istok(%attacks,DragonFist,32) == $true) { 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Stamina) &lt; 6) { Notice $nick You dont have enough Stamina! | halt } 
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Stamina $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Stamina) - 6) 
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes 
timerattack $+ $nick 1 25 /DragonFist $nick $2 
Msg %ChanSet $Name($nick) 12Clenches Fist &amp; Dashes Towards $Name($2) $+ 12! 
on 1:TEXT:`HeavyFist*:*:{ 
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login, By PMing $Me with `Login PassYouMade! | halt } 
if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Don't Attack Yourself! | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { Notice $nick You are not Fighting! | halt } 
if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,fighting) != yes) { Notice $nick $2 is not Fighting! | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You are Attacking! | halt } 
Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,move1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,move2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,WeaponMove) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,SpecialMove) 
if ($istok(%attacks,HeavyFist,32) == $true) { 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Stamina) &lt; 6) { Notice $nick You dont have enough Stamina! | halt } 
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Stamina $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Stamina) - 6) 
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes 
timerattack $+ $nick 1 25 /HeavyFist $nick $2 
Msg %ChanSet $Name($nick) 12Clenches Fist &amp; Dashes Towards $Name($2) $+ 12! 
on 1:TEXT:`Slash*:*:{ 
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login, By PMing $Me with `Login PassYouMade! | halt } 
if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Don't Attack Yourself! | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { Notice $nick You are not Fighting! | halt } 
if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,fighting) != yes) { Notice $nick $2 is not Fighting! | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You are Attacking! | halt } 
Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,move1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,move2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,WeaponMove) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,SpecialMove) 
if ($istok(%attacks,Slash,32) == $true) { 
writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes 
timerattack $+ $nick 1 20 /Slash $nick $2 
Msg %ChanSet $Name($nick) 12Dashes Towards $Name($2) $+ 12! 
on *:text:`Shop:#: { 
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login, By PMing $Me with `Login PassYouMade! | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick You are Battling! | halt } 
Notice $nick Potion(100) 0-9 Sword(1000) 
on *:text:`Use Potion:#: { 
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login, By PMing $Me with `Login PassYouMade! | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,items,Potion) &lt;= 0) { /notice $nick Not Enough Potions! | halt } 
Writeini $nick $+ .ini Items Potion $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,Potion) - 1) 
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Hp $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Hp) + 50) 
set %Hp $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Hp) 
set %MHp $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,MHp) 
if (%Hp &gt; %MHp) { writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Hp %MHp } 
on *:text:*`buy*:#:{ 
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login, By PMing $Me with `Login PassYouMade! | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) == yes) { /notice $nick You are in Battle! | halt } 
if (Potion == $2) { 
set %Price 100 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) &lt; %Price) { /notice $nick Not Enough Money! | halt } 
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick money $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) - %Price) 
Writeini $nick $+ .ini items $2 $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,items,$2) + 1) 
Notice $nick You Bought a $2 
if (Sword == $2) { 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Weapon,$2) == Yes) { /notice $nick You Already have $2 | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Weapon,$2) == Equipped) { /notice $nick You Already have $2 | halt } 
set %Price 1000 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) &lt; %Price) { /notice $nick Not Enough Money! | halt } 
Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick money $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) - %Price) 
Writeini $nick $+ .ini Weapon $2 Yes 
Notice $nick You Bought a $2 
on *:text:`Equip Sword:#: { 
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login, By PMing $Me with `Login PassYouMade! | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Weapon,$2) != Yes) { /notice $nick You Dont have $2 | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,WeaponMove) != $Null) { /notice $nick Please UnEquip a Weapon! | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) &lt; 5) { /notice $nick You Cant Handle $2 $+ ! | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) == yes) { /notice $nick You are in Battle! | halt } 
Writeini $nick $+ .ini Weapon $2 Equipped 
Notice $nick You Equipped a Sword! 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,WeaponMove) == None) { writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick WeaponMove Slash | Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) 10Learned 7"Slash" | halt } 
on *:text:`UnEquip Sword:#: { 
if ($chan != #ircbattle) { halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Logged) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login, By PMing $Me with `Login PassYouMade! | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Weapon,Sword) != Equipped) { /notice $nick Your Not Equipped With A Sword | halt } 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) == yes) { /notice $nick You are in Battle! | halt } 
writeini $nick $+ .ini Weapon Sword Yes 
Notice $nick 4You UnEquip Sword 
if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,WeaponMove) == Slash) { writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick WeaponMove None | Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) 10Lost 7"Slash" | Halt } 

Btw there ise an Ini File Called Punch+Bag.Ini in c:/BattleBoT/punch+bag.ini

motto=Touch My BAG!



the channel the bot is on is #IRCbattle

Joined: May 2006
Posts: 2
Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
Joined: May 2006
Posts: 2

I am using this same script and it took alot of editing to get it to work, and its still not all working frown - first of all do you have the alias commands installed in the alias.ini, second of all it wont work from the client it is loaded on to, you have to be loaded on to a second client, third you dont actually need the Punch+Bag.ini file as if you edit it correctly it will create the files for you ir - one for each user that registers

Joined: May 2006
Posts: 2
Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
Joined: May 2006
Posts: 2
Done it is now all working smile if you would like a working copy let me know smile

Joined: Jun 2006
Posts: 1
Mostly harmless
Mostly harmless
Joined: Jun 2006
Posts: 1
I cant seem to get it to work, Could you send the whole file to my email, DRAGONBALLZ900@hotmail.com

Link Copied to Clipboard