The flag '16' for $mouse.key (to check whether the right mouse button is pressed) is new in 6.17, and a very nice addition at that. I think it would be even more useful if the following minor change were made...
on ^HOTLINK (note the ^) triggers if you move your mouse over a word, but it also triggers when you left-click on a word without moving the mouse. This is pretty nice, since it allows a script to check ($mouse.key & 1) and take some action (e.g. show a tooltip) for the word that is being single-clicked on. However,
on ^HOTLINK currently does not trigger when you
right-click on a word. I would like to request that
on ^HOTLINK also be triggered in that case, so that a script can check ($mouse.key & 16) and perform an action if this is the case.
In short, this would allow us to use a custom popup dll (e.g.
XPopup) to create our own popup menus for hotlinked words.
For once I'm interested in (proper) workarounds here, too..