After reading a thread in the scripts forum, i found myself needing something similar, however the solution offered there wont work for my needs. Anyway, the suggestion if for a $did() property to refer to the original text used for the id during dialog creation (edit "bla" ...), and perhaps a /did flag to reset back to this string.

I realise there are ways to do it with variables, however i use a very small loop to refer to $regml values (data stored in csv format) and populate the dialog with the appropriate information. (rather than hard coding 30+ /did commands)

This would also allow you to cut down on the number of dialog controls used in a dialog, instead of having a text lable next to an editbox (or another lable or whatever), you could have just one with the default text being the lable without the extended information. When adding the extra information a "did -ra $dname id $did(id).origtext info" OR "did -xa $dname id info" could be used.

text "Flags: ", 610, 68 23 50 8, nowrap
-> Flags:
did -xa $dname 610 info
-> Flags: Info
did -ra $dname 610 $did(610).origtext info
-> Flags: Info

"Allen is having a small problem and needs help adjusting his attitude" - Flutterby