removing words in a ini file, i will try explain this as much as i can, i am making a rpg bot, and i need to know how i would get it to remove words
how would i make it remove the right word but still keep the rest of the line, like
weapon=dagger sword battleaxe
and i want it to remove dagger but keep sword and battleaxe, how would i go about that?
this is what i have so far:
alias weapon {
if ($readini($nick $+ .chr,Weapons,weapon) = dagger2) {
writeini $nick $+ .chr Weapons wearwep Dagger
writeini $nick $+ .chr $nick $calc($att + 1)
alias remweapon {
if ($readini($nick $+ .chr,Weapons,wearwep) = dagger) {
writeini $nick $+ .chr Weapons wearwep None
writeini $nick $+ .chr Weapons weapon Dagger
writeini $nick $+ .chr $nick $calc($att - 1)