I had this problem. I got around it by renaming the space character tokenised list to one tokenised with underscores:
var %j = 1
set %desc $null
while ( %j <= $gettok($did($dname,2),0,32) ) {
set %desc $addtok( %desc,$gettok($did($dname,2), %j, 32), 95 )
inc %j
where the name of the ini file section is read from that dialog call and stored tokenised with underscores in %desc for use later in writing to the inifile.
To read it back from the ini file I used
var %j = 1
set %desc $null
while ( %j <= $gettok( $ini(%inifile, %i), 0, 95) ) {
set %desc $addtok( %desc,$gettok($ini(%inifile, %i), %j, 95), 32 )
inc %j
Here %desc, is the section title read back from the ini and retokenised using spaces. The path to the ini is %inifile
Edit: That post appeared whilst I was writing this, please tell me if the quotes work and I wasted a lot of time