On 666:text:-level*:#:/rlevel -r $2 | /msg # 12(15 $+ $nick $+ 12) 14 Level4 $2 14for all nicks have been removed successfully 12.
what it does is when i type -level 666 it removes everyone with level 666, not just their nicks but addies with it too based on $address($me,5).
On 666:text:addown*:#:/guser -a 666 $nick | timer 1 2 notice $nick 3,3 0,15 Hello 3,3 4,15 $nick $+ . 3,3 0,15 You're on my Bot List $+ . 3,3 0,15 Type 3,3 4,15 !commands 3,3 0,15 for a list of commands 3,3
and the second one is what i have to add a user.
what i want to do is when i type -level nick+addy it'll remove only a certin nick with addy but not everyone on the userlist with level 666. how do i do that?
If you specify the level and the address, only that level will be removed for that nick, if you only specify the nick or address, all levels of that user will be removed.
In your case /ruser 666 bob!*@*.aol.com
Or if you want to let mIRC find the address of the current (online) nickname: /ruser 666 bob 5