Did a search but didnt find anything, so bury me in sand and leave me for the crabs if its been reported before.
Its just a small visual bug in the messages displayed when you do like FOPEN and FCLOSE etc
In the status window (was on full screen) i see
* fopen opened 'filename123456789.txt' (C:\Program Files\mIRC-616\filename123456789.tx
* fclose closed 'filename123456789.txt' (C:\Program Files\mIRC-616\filename123456789.t
If cut and pasted the lines are still one piece each...
* fopen opened 'filename123456789.txt' (C:\Program Files\mIRC-616\filename123456789.txt)
* fclose closed 'filename123456789.txt' (C:\Program Files\mIRC-616\filename123456789.txt)
If i resize the window the text doesnt wrap it appears hard wrapped at 86 characters (at least on my screen)