Joined: Apr 2005
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
Joined: Apr 2005
Posts: 30 |
I cant seem to find what wrong with this, whem I type /idlemsg nothing shows up alias /idlemsg {
set %myidlezz $input(Enter In Idle Message,129)
echo -a Idle Msg Set To: %myidlezz
idlemsg on idlealias
set %idlemsg on
mIRC Newb.
Joined: Aug 2005
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Aug 2005
Posts: 1,052 |
I cant seem to find what wrong with this, whem I type /idlemsg nothing shows up alias /idlemsg {
set %myidlezz $input(Enter In Idle Message,129)
echo -a Idle Msg Set To: %myidlezz
idlemsg on idlealias
set %idlemsg on
} :P //idlemsg would be the correct syntax in your script when you use alias whatever { do not put alias /whatever { else you gotta type / then /whatever  long story short remove the / right after alias
if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }
Joined: Dec 2002
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 3,547 |
//idlemsg would be the correct syntax in your script
The code in his alias is already being evaluated there is no need for a second /.
alias /idlemsg {
set %myidlezz $$input(Enter In Idle Message,129)
echo -a Idle Msg Set To: %myidlezz
idlemsg on idlealias
set %idlemsg on
Works fine for me. The above for me works with " /idlemsg" and " //////////////////////idlemsg" -Andy
Joined: Apr 2005
Posts: 30
Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
Joined: Apr 2005
Posts: 30 |
well it must be part of the other script. remember this andy ><?
; –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––+
; IdleScript v1.7 |
; © 2005 by Forgotten (Justin) |
; Remember - ripping is lame |
; Visit www.pyro-studios.com |
; hellfire.redirectme.net 6667 #pyro |
; –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––+–––––+
; Special Thanks to SladeKraven (Andy) |
; -----------------------------------------+
; ---------------
; ---------------
on *:load:{
echo -a ו•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• ••• •• •• •• • •
echo -a IdleScript v1.7
echo -a © 2005 by Forgotten (Justin)
echo -a Visit www.pyro-studios.com
echo -a hellfire.redirectme.net 6667 #pyro
echo -a ו•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• ••• •• •• •• • •
echo -a Read the commands.txt for commands or type !idle help
echo -a ו•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• ••• •• •• •• • •
on 100:TEXT:!idle *:#: {
; Basic Idle is turned on
if ($2 == on) {
if (%idlemsg == on) { msg $chan Already enabled. | halt }
idlemsg on idlealias
set %idlemsg on
msg $chan Enabled.
; Add User to DB
if ($2 == add) {
if ($3 == $null) { msg $chan Provide a user. | halt }
guser 100 $3
msg $chan Added user to database.
; Define what an IdleBot is
if ($2 == define) {
msg $chan A IdleScript is an automatic program that will display a message after a given amount of time. It can be configured by msg, time, on, off, or winamp support.
; WinAmp Idle or Basic Idle is turned off
if ($2 == off) {
if (%idlemsg == off) {
if (%idlewinamp == off) { msg $chan Already disabled. | halt }
idlewinamp off
set %idlewinamp off
msg $chan WinAmp Idle Disabled.
idlemsg off
set %idlemsg off
msg $chan Disabled.
; displays current config in channel
if ($2 == state) {
if (%idlewinamp == on) {
msg $chan WinAmp Idle: on -=- Time Remaining: $duration($timer(idlemsg).secs) -=- Time Set: %myidletimer
msg $chan Idle State: %idlemsg -=- Time Remaining: $duration($timer(idlemsg).secs) -=- Time Set: %myidletimer
; remotely sets time
if ($2 == set) {
if ($3 == $null) {
msg $chan Provide a value
if ($4 == winamp) {
set %myidletimer $3
msg $chan Value set to: %myidletimer seconds for WinAmp Idle
idlewinamp on
set %myidletimer $3
msg $chan Value set to: %myidletimer seconds
idlemsg on idlealias
set %idlemsg on
; remotely sets idle msg
if ($2 == msg) {
; turns WinAmp Idle on or off (AMIP REQUIRED)
if ($3 == winamp) {
if (%idlewinamp == on) { msg $chan Already enabled. | halt }
idlemsg off
idlewinamp on
msg $chan WinAmp Idle Enabled.
if ($3 == $null) {
msg $chan Provide a message
msg $chan Value set to: $+(',$$3-,')
set %myidlezz $$3-
; displays msg in channel
if ($2 == display) {
; remotely sets channel
if ($2 == chan) {
if ($3 == $null) {
msg $chan Provide a channel
set %myidlemsg2 $3
msg $chan Channel: %myidlemsg2
; messages user with commands
if ($2 == help) {
msg $nick 7,1[ !idle on: turns script on -=- !idle off: turns script off -=- !idle set <value>: sets time delay (in secs) -=- !idle state: displays info -=- !idle display: shows msg -=- !idle chan <channel>: set the channel the bot idles -=- !idle define: defines what the bot does -=- !idle add <username>: gives user access to commands ]
; Basic Timer
alias idlemsg {
if ($1 == on) { .timeridlemsg 0 %myidletimer $$2- }
if ($1 == off) { .timeridlemsg off }
; WinAmp Timer
alias idlewinamp {
if ($1 == on) { .timeridlemsg 0 %myidletimer /dde mplug announce }
if ($1 == off) { .timeridlemsg off }
; Where the msg is assembled
alias idlealias {
%myidlemsg %myidlemsg2 %myidlezz
; ---------------
; ---------------
; displays the state
alias /idlestate {
echo -a ו•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• ••• •• •• •• • •
echo -a Idle State: %idlemsg -=- Time Remaining: $duration($timer(idlemsg).secs) -=- Time Set: %myidletimer
echo -a ו•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• ••• •• •• •• • •
; defines what a idlebot is
alias /idledefine {
msg $chan A IdleScript is an automatic program that will display a message after a given amount of time. It can be configured by msg, time, on, off, or winamp support.
; turns script on
alias /idleon {
idlemsg on idlealias
set %idlemsg on
msg $chan Enabled.
; turns script off
alias /idleoff {
idlemsg off
set %idlemsg off
msg $chan Disabled.
; sets timer via field
alias /idleset {
set %myidletimer $input(Provide Wait Time. 1 = 1 second,129)
echo -a Time Interval Set To: %myidletimer
idlemsg on idlealias
set %idlemsg on
; sets msg via field
alias /idlemsg {
set %myidlezz $input(Enter In Idle Message,129)
echo -a Idle Msg Set To: %myidlezz
idlemsg on idlealias
set %idlemsg on
; sets channel via field
alias /idlechan {
set %myidlemsg2 $input(Enter In Channel,129)
msg $chan Channel: %myidlemsg2
; displays current msg
alias /idledisplay {
echo -a %myidlezz
; turns WinAmp Idle on or off (AMIP REQUIRED)
alias /idlewa {
if ($2 == on) {
if (%idlewinamp == on) { if $chan { msg $chan Already enabled. } | halt }
idlemsg off
idlewinamp on
echo -a WinAmp Idle Enabled.
if $chan { msg $chan WinAmp Idle Enabled. }
if ($2 == off) {
if (%idlewinamp == off) { if $chan { msg $chan Already disabled. } | halt }
idlewinamp off
set %idlewinamp off
echo -a WinAmp Idle Disabled.
if $chan { msg $chan WinAmp Idle Disabled. }
; --------------------------------------
; Special Thanks to SladeKraven (Andy)
; --------------------------------------
%myidletimer 600
%myidlemsg msg
%myidlemsg2 #CCCTown
%myidlezz 7,15 Tune in to Guru Radio at 15,7
%myidlewinamp /dde mplug announce
%idlemsg on
%idlewinamp off
mIRC Newb.
Joined: Apr 2003
Posts: 701
Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Apr 2003
Posts: 701 |
This kind of thing is easy to test. So, why don't you?
In remotes: alias /test { echo -s TEST $1- } In Status Window: / test blah1 $me //test blah2 $me // test blah3 $me ////////test blah4 $me /// test blah5 $me <- This one is strange ///// test blah6 $me <- This one is even stranger / echo -s echotest $test(blub1,$me) //echo -s echotest $test(blub2,$me) //echo -s echotest $/test(blub3,$me) ///echo -s echotest $/////////test(blub4,$me) ////////echo -s echotest <- Way too strange...
Joined: Apr 2003
Posts: 701
Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Apr 2003
Posts: 701 |
What are you trying to do? You have an alias /idlemsg that calls itself with 2 parameters that aren't even checked. But since mIRC doesn't allow recursion, it sends that command to the IRC server. Does your irc server understand /raw idlemsg on idlealias ?
The inputbox shows up alright here, but then it gives * /idlemsg: not connected to server. So, something does show up, hopefully not what you wanted though.