I have this alias:
alias _ping {
  var %x = $ticks,%p = $$1,%f = c:\ $+ %p $+ .txt,%r = $iif($2 isnum,$2,1),%r = %r * 1000
  if ($com(ping $+ %x)) { .comclose ping $+ %x }
  .comopen ping $+ %x WScript.Shell
  if !$comerr { .comclose ping $+ %x $com(ping $+ %x,Run,3,bstr,$iif($istok(95 98 ME,$os,32),command.com,cmd.exe) /c ping %p -n 1 -w %r > %f,uint,0,bool,true) }
  %p = $read(%f,n,4)
  if (: isin %p) { .remove %f | return $gettok($gettok(%p,2-,58),2,32) }
  else { .remove %f | return $false }

It used to work fine, but i just recently noticed that there is a problem. Not only does it not return the ping, it creates a txt file in my c: drive that keeps growing and growing. I cant delete it untill i forcefully end the 'cmd.exe' process. The txt file contains thousands of lines of this:

C:\Program Files\mIRC>ping

**I changed the IP.

But, that IP is not the IP I am pinging. I was actually pinging

So any ideas as to why this is happening??

-- HAMM3R (aka: alhammer)