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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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is there away to determine if /who was types in channel's editbox or called in the remote??
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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you could include a var in the remote that would indicate if it was set like
on me*:join:#: {
who $chan
set -u30 %whojoin $time $script
and check in a raw event like
raw 315:*:{ $iif(%whojoin,echo 12 %whojoin,echo 12 Editbox) }
Last edited by MikeChat; 10/09/05 04:42 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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need a : between the me & the * in the ON JOIN event
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
Joined: Feb 2004
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i did this.
who {
if ($1-) {
_setvar noshow.who $iif($show,0,1)
who $1-
sometimes it works. sometimes it doesn't 
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Im not sure I understand. What would you be accomplishing by setting a variable every time you use /who? That will set a var when you type it in the editbox or if its triggered by a remote, thus creating no way to distinguish. From what I understand you need, you should stick with MikeChat's script. Second, your command should even work (unless you have some wierd alias's that i dont know about). Try /help variables. Good luck.
Regards, Austin
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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One way is to change all occurrances of 'who' to some custom alias 'remoteswho' that sets a remote flag. The other ways is using on INPUT to check the command line: on *:INPUT:*:{
if (($regex($1-,/^\/+ *who /i)) && (!$ctrlenter) && (!$inpaste)) {
; /who is called from an editbox in window $active
; if you don't halt or haltdef, you don't have to /who $1- here either
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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[code] on *:INPUT:#:{ if ((!$ctrlenter) && (!$inpaste) && (*who iswm $1)) { var %commandchar = $readini($mircini, text, commandchar) if (($istok(/ %commandchar, $left($1, 1), 32)) && (($remove($1,/) == who) || ($remove($1,%commandchar)))) { set -u5 %who.typed.text $2- } } } [code]
Thats something simple that detects u typing /who or //who or ///who etc and loads %who.typed.text with the following words for 5 seconds, then on the raws from the who you can compare it with the names listed in the var (if there is one)
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Heh, so we need to combine our stuff, mine to include the alternate commandchar, yours to include cases like: // who 
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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lol never even saw yours tell now, i must have been writting mine at the time u postede, a regex is much nicer isnt it.