Yes that is an fserve message. Are you intentionally trying to download something? If not then try some of the things the others have given. If you want to receive this file then you must add the file extension to your "allow list" by doing this:
File>Options>Click on the DCC selection>Then choose "Folders">In the field that says DCC Ignore, there is a blank box right next to the add button...Type file extension in there but it MUST be like this: [color:red]*.file extension goes here an example would be *.exe >Once you have done this click the add button. [/color]
Now If you do not want this file then disregard my reply and try some of the options that the others have given you. If you do want this file then you must know the consequences of accepting files from others...
<insert downloading from others lecture here>
<insert virus/trojan lecture here>
Now that we have finished the lecture(s), I hope this is helpful to ya