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I have read on numerous websites that daring to ask this question in mirc forums get immediately deleted by "khaleds satanists"..

Is this program really satanic and brainwashes people and makes them computer junkies and ruins their life and turns them into corrupted demons of society??

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Last edited by Mentality; 27/06/05 01:26 PM.
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My belief in god is very strong, and I have witnessed things that give my belief an iron clad assurance, I have a very clear mind on the manifestations of satan, and who he choses to wield chaos and brainwashing...

I have seen a photo of khaled to, that looks like one evil person working for satan, so can someone please tell me all is good before I download this program and use it, I have a job and my life is very pure and not corrupted, and I am religious.. will this program turn me into a monster really??

Some of the mosre bizzare things Ive read is how SATAn actually thought khaled how to write a program that will brainwash millions of people and totally enslave them..

And I believe there is going to be a stroy on him in CNN soon on this satanist.

Last edited by demonicforce; 27/06/05 08:14 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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you should really visit a psychiatrist

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So I see you are a disbeliever in the unseen, you deny yourself by denying god.. and I suppose you are the sustainer of your bodies miracles..

People like you only form into the vines of hell after death, think twice before you make a generalized comment like that [censored].

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Last edited by Mentality; 27/06/05 01:24 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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like i said...
you should really visit a psychiatrist.

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If you didn't slightly believe in me, you'd at least back your claims, but seems you like the comfy sanctuary of ignorance.

I just had a look and some guy whos nick was.

He sounded depressed, I dont know if mirc has destroyed his life, or he is just unlucky.. but I couldnt believe it, he made a comment how his life was not worth living.. and he got banned.. here is the banned message he pasted to me..

* You were kicked from #funkysexycool by ChanOP ((SpriteZero) Haha, youre on the dole. Drainer.)

Now this is a demonic influence, demons work by trying to destroy your soul... now you tell me that kick is not demonic??

Khaled is satans worker.. nuff said

Editing is such fun, racist comments removed

Last edited by Mentality; 27/06/05 01:25 PM.
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Warning! Khaled just like bill gates has the satanic number

antichrist:Revelation 13:18 says:
"Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666."

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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you enjoy reading yourself ?

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hes right you do need a psychiatrist, some evidence you ask for? Well for a start the your ranting and raving, you reply to yourself. There pretty good signs.

However for hard evidence of your dilusional state
The asc code for K H A L E D J is 75 72 65 76 69 68 74 = 499 lower case is 107 104 97 108 101 100 106 = 723
no mixing of them well make 666

So you just made that up didnt you? if not please supply 3 refrence sites (unreleated to you).

As for quoting scripture, You do understand that that stuff was written by men so is prone to mis understandings and missprints (i some time think men as unbalanced as yourself)

DaveC ICQ#666

PS: yes it is satanic, even being here is gonna cause you to go to hell, no way out now dude, were waiting for ya hehehehehehehehehe

Last edited by DaveC; 27/06/05 10:38 AM.
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I know your evil intentions, your demonic cursing of "you need a phychiatrist" cant affect me, maybe it can to people who have been brainwashed by you evil satanists.. I know you are all have an agenda to deceive the world, because you are a very strong arm of satan.. and only a truelly brainwashed guy watching tv would not believe in god, who is the sustainer of this world, and is the all wise and all knowing..

Do not think im stupid, I know exactly how mirc was designed, i know its every evil inspiration, to its interface ot its choice of fonts.. it has satan all over it.. it is an inspiration from satan..

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Last edited by Mentality; 27/06/05 01:23 PM.
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You are workers of satan, EITHER UNKNOWINGLY OR KNOWINGLY, but one things for sure, you are a norturer of evil.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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actually human mind is home of hell and heaven.
since there is no proof for existance of god nor satan it is all just human imagination...

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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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No one has to judge you by anything other than your language and message in your posts. That alone speaks VOLUMNS about your, lack of, character.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Go away and stop trolling our board before you get banned, you naughty little boy.



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