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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Hey can you guys but "dchub://" protocoll suport to mIRC in next release? so that when you klick exsample <a href="dchub://hub.anime-fan.us/" target="_blank">dchub://hub.anime-fan.us/</a> it will be a hotlink and open dc programm.
Ofcourse if someone has more protocolls tell thos as I think these features would be easy to create for mirc so that users do not have to script to get them working.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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mIRC is not a file sharing program, and, though I admit my DC-knowledge is limited, I am 100% against this being incorporated into mIRC.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Since it seems as if half the people who use mIRC these days think it's a filesharing application, it's probably not a good idea to add link support for filesharing downloads.
Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and stupid comments are intentional.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Now you misunderstanded me. I am not implementing things for wares. just internet protocols that are suportet in windows and like explorer/firefox does.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Good idea 
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I didn't mean to imply you were using it for such a purpose. But it most likely would be. I have no idea why this has any place in mIRC.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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How about incorporating all those gaming pseudo protocols so all the gamers can jump into their games straight from IRC and without having to use a script to scape the info, e.g. [url=ut2k4://][url=ut2k4://][url=ut2k4://]ut2k4://[/url][/url][/url] for UT 2k4. 'Course, scripts already do this anyway 
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Almost every program I know that supports links/urls in some way or another support all protocols (<anything>://<anything>)
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I still think it inappropriate to be included in an IRC client, and I still don't see its place in mIRC.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I think having it would be fine. I think that any URL should be able to be opened in whatever the default program for that is assuming you have the program to open it in.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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What does your browser do with a [url=ut2k4://][url=ut2k4://][url=ut2k4://]ut2k4://[/url][/url][/url] link? What should mIRC do with it? Doesn't /url -an [url=ut2k4://][url=ut2k4://][url=ut2k4://]ut2k4://[/url][/url][/url] do what you need already? Or /run [url=ut2k4://][url=ut2k4://][url=ut2k4://]ut2k4://[/url][/url][/url] ?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I think what he is wanting is for it to act like a HTML link where you can double click on it and it opens the link... rather than typing /run or /url commands.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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I think what he is wanting is for it to act like a HTML link where you can double click on it and it opens the link... rather than typing /run or /url commands. Correct. For all protocol handlers to be recognised and have the OS take care of their execution.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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I still think it inappropriate to be included in an IRC client, and I still don't see its place in mIRC. So you don't see the place of http:// enabled clicking in mIRC either? 
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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* Mentality rolls his eyes
I didn't say that, people send each other HTTP links all the time in conversation, help channels use them LOADS as a reference to websites, so it makes sense, and it's a matter of convenience, that you can click them.
I see no place for a filesharing-related protocol to be supported, and anyway, if people wanted it so bad (and it can't be that many people seeing as this is the first thread I've seen suggesting it), can it not be scripted through ON HOTLINK? (DON'T go jumping on the band wagon about how "everything can be scripted, so nothing should be added", that argument has got boring).
It'd be a lot harder to explain that mIRC is not a file sharing program if it goes and adds support for such a protocol.
If however, there is some sort of ambiguous feature added to mIRC so that you can specify any protocol...let's say, a text box where you type in the protocol trigger, and then click on 'Browse..' to search for a program it should be associated with, then I wouldn't have an issue. Dunno how easy that would be though, and it seems like a pretty UI-version of ON HOTLINK anyway.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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(general reply) Apart from the fact that not all protocols are related to illegal file sharing, I think that not implementing something in mirc because it might aid filesharers is pointless. File sharing was, is and will be thriving for a long time, regardless of whatever support mirc offers for related features. How much damage in file sharing do you really think it's done because users cannot click on a non-http url? If people want to run a url, they'll just copy it and /run it or paste it elsewhere or even get some addon/script that enables hotlinks for protocols. All these are ridiculously easy, so nothing is prevented; the only effect is the inconvenience experienced by "legal" users (yes, there are legal uses of protocols and even legal file sharing, even though it's like 0.001% of the cases). Not supporting or disabling useful (even to a minority) features because "it makes it harder for people to do bad things" has never really worked in the past and this isn't going to change. Especially in this case, where the workaround is so simple that my dog can do it. Oh and before anyone mentions it (I've heard this argument before), disabling commands that start with identifiers/variables (to prevent $decode viruses) in editboxes isn't a similar case, for two reasons. First, this feature is practically useless: I've never needed to directly execute vars/idents in an editbox, nor can I think of a reason anyone would want to. Second, disabling something because you know it's going to prevent security breaches is entirely different than disabling something for ethical or other reasons. In case of $decode, security and the element of deception play an important part, which completely separates this issue from file sharing or other personal activities.
Last edited by qwerty; 25/05/05 02:43 PM.
/.timerQ 1 0 echo /.timerQ 1 0 $timer(Q).com
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I don't think anyone is against what the original poster is actually suggesting now that it's clear what he's suggesting. What I, and I think Mentality, were objecting to was that the original post makes it sound as if he wants to add specific support for dchub links alone, which is a completely different proposition from what it turned out he actually meant. Explicitly supporting filesharing protocol links when mIRC doesn't support other, arguably more popular and IRC-relevant, non-filesharing links (eg. irc[/i]://) [i]would be a bad move and encourage the idea that mIRC was a filesharing platform. Now that he's explained his suggestion better it's a different story altogether.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You're right, I didn't actually make the distinction in your case (didn't notice the timing either). "(general reply)" didn't refer to you anyway, it was more for everybody (in this thread or not) who is against implementing protocol hotlinks and generally, any potential feature with this sort of implications. I should have probably titled it "(general thoughts)" 
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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mIRC is not filesharing program mIRC is not filesharing program mIRC is not filesharing program mIRC is not filesharing program mIRC is not filesharing program mIRC is not filesharing program
So why it's that bad if mIRC supports eg. ed2k:// links? While at the moment they use DCC to send the file thus using mIRC as filesharing program... Then they can send you just ed2k:// link and when you click it it will launch eMule so you can share files using appropriate filesharing program... and leave mIRC the "text only" program.... ugh[/ramble]
echo -a $signature
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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As has been said, I don't have an objection to mIRC supporting some sort of feature whereby you can specify a protocol and a program as links, or if it supports every protocol (though how mIRC would define between iuergheiu:// and <realprotocol>:// I don't know).
I do have an objection to mIRC solely adding support for such protocols as "ed2k://" or "dchub://", and I have explained why.
I would appreciate it if you didn't do such immature actions as typing the same line in different colours in any further replies.