I created an IRC-Client and it works fine already, but there is a problem(?). If your on a Channel and someone is OP and HalfOP same time... So if someone deops a guy the client has to know that hes also a halfop, there is the Problem...U can only know that hes a halfop when u saw someone halfopped him... u cant see it if u join the channel because an irc server only sends the highest prefix @353.
Is there no way to solve that Problem?
U can easy test it with mirc urself, halfop(%) and op(@) someone then /part, then /join then deop that guy.... mirc doesnt show the prefix the guy still has (%) but u know he has it because u cant give him +h again.
well this isnt a client problem but a server problem..isnt it?
What to do? that is a little bit sad...