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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hey guys. So I was asked by alhammer to make him a Word Count script that counts his words (On Input) not everyone elses (On Text). And it works pretty good, but I need 3rd party perspective to see how it can be improved (touched up) or possibly shortened. I've just thought of a couple of things, saying how many entries in the dialog, the choice to clear all entries and I forgot to add a On Start event to make the hash table and load in (wordcount.dat) but other than that anything else? Here's the code:
dialog wordcount {
title "Word Count"
size -1 -1 190 145
option dbu
list 1, 8 13 86 117, size
list 2, 95 13 86 117, size
text " Words Number Of Words", 3, 29 3 148 8
button "Close",4, 7 133 175 10
on 1:dialog:wordcount:init:*: {
var %x = $hget(wordcount,0).item
while (%x) {
if ($dialog(wordcount)) {
did -a wordcount 1 $str($chr(160),20) $hget(wordcount,%x).item
did -a wordcount 2 $str($chr(160),25) $hget(wordcount,%x).data
dec %x
On *:dialog:wordcount:sclick:4: { dialog -x $dname $dname }
On *:dialog:wordcount:close:0: { hsave -i wordcount wordcount.dat }
On *:input:*: {
if ($left($1,1) == /) { return $1- }
else {
if (!$hget(wordcount)) hmake wordcount 1000
var %x = $numtok($1-,32)
while (%x) {
if ($hget(wordcount,$gettok($1-,%x,32))) { hadd wordcount $gettok($1-,%x,32) $calc($hget(wordcount,$gettok($1-,%x,32)) + 1) }
if (!$hget(wordcount,$gettok($1-,%x,32))) { hadd wordcount $gettok($1-,%x,32) 1 }
dec %x
alias wordcount {
if (!$1) && (!$dialog(wordcount)) dialog -dm wordcount wordcount
if ($hget(wordcount,$1)) { echo -a * /count: You have said $1 $hget(wordcount,$1) time(s) }
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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 [EDIT] We need a way to scroll both lists at the same time so that they are lined up always. If not, there is no way to tell which word belongs to which number. Any ideas?
Last edited by alhammer; 26/04/05 10:08 PM.
"God sometimes puts us in the dark for us to see the light"
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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On *:dialog:wordcount:sclick:1: { did -c wordcount 2 $did($dname,1).sel }
On *:dialog:wordcount:sclick:2: { did -c wordcount 1 $did($dname,2).sel }
* Clicking an item in the listbox selects it's matching line. Clicking line 1 of the first listbox selects line 1 of the second listbox. And same if you are clicking in the second.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Assuming you create the table on START, the on INPUT event can be reduced to On *:input:*:{
if /* iswm $1 { return }
hinc wordcount $*
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hehe yeah that seems to work. I added a menu to free the hash table and remove the file (clean slate kinda thing) so I had to add a bit more to your On Input event.
On *:Start: {
hmake wordcount 1000
if ($isfile(wordcount.dat)) hload -o wordcount wordcount.dat
dialog wordcount {
title "Word Count"
size -1 -1 190 155
option dbu
list 1, 8 13 86 117, size
list 2, 95 13 86 117, size
text " Words Number Of Words", 3, 29 3 148 8
text "",4, 70 132 100 10
menu "&File", 7
menu "&Options",8,7
item "Remove selected line", 9,8
item "Remove Hash File",10,8
item "Clear Dialog Data",11,8
item break, 12,7
item "&Close", 13,7
button "Close",5, 7 140 175 10
on 1:dialog:wordcount:menu:9: {
if ($did($dname,1).sel) {
did -d wordcount 1 $did($dname,1).sel
did -d wordcount 2 $did($dname,2).sel
on 1:dialog:wordcount:menu:10: {
if ($isfile(wordcount.dat)) {
echo -a *** Word count set to 0
hfree wordcount
.remove wordcount.hsh
dialog -x wordcount wordcount
on 1:dialog:wordcount:menu:11: { did -r wordcount 1,2 }
on 1:dialog:wordcount:init:*: {
var %x = $hget(wordcount,0).item
did -a wordcount 4 $ctr(160),100) Number of words: %x
while (%x) {
if ($dialog(wordcount)) {
did -a wordcount 1 $str($chr(160),20) $hget(wordcount,%x).item
did -a wordcount 2 $str($chr(160),25) $hget(wordcount,%x).data
dec %x
On *:dialog:wordcount:sclick:1: { did -c wordcount 2 $did($dname,1).sel }
On *:dialog:wordcount:sclick:2: { did -c wordcount 1 $did($dname,2).sel }
On *:dialog:wordcount:close:0: { hsave -o wordcount wordcount.dat }
On *:dialog:wordcount:sclick:5: { dialog -x $dname $dname }
On *:input:*:{
if (/* iswm $1) { return $1- }
[color:red] if (!$hget(wordcount)) { hmake wordcount 1000 }[/color]
hinc wordcount $*
alias wordcount {
if (!$1) && (!$dialog(wordcount)) dialog -dm wordcount wordcount
if ($hget(wordcount,$1)) { echo -a * /count: You have said $1 $hget(wordcount,$1) time(s) }
Cheers mate, you've been a great help. 
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Thanks Andy! By the way, i'm trying to improve the dialog a little by using MDX.dll's ListView. How do I make a list have 2 colums? Also, how do i specify which column to add text to? EDIT Nevermind. I searched the foums for a while and eventually found my answer. :
"God sometimes puts us in the dark for us to see the light"
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hey dude, I've been working on that ListView for you and eventually came up with this. The message sequences I used for the above was... [*]Testing... [*]Testing again... [*]Testing one more time.. Code:
On *:Start: {
hmake wordcount 1000
if ($isfile(wordcount.hsh)) hload -o wordcount wordcount.hsh
alias -l dmdx return $findfile($mircdir,dialog.mdx,1)
alias -l vmdx return $findfile($mircdir,views.mdx,1)
alias -l bmdx return $findfile($mircdir,bars.mdx,1)
alias -l gmdx return $findfile($mircdir,ctl_gen.mdx,1)
alias -l udll return $findfile($mircdir,mdx.dll,1)
alias -l mdx {
if ($isid) dll $udll $1-
elseif ( $2- == $null ) return $dll($udll,$1,.)
return $dll($udll,$1,$2-)
dialog wordcount {
title "Word Count"
size -1 -1 214 107
option dbu
list 1,3 3 206 88,size
button "OK", 2, 89 94 36 10, ok
text "",3, 5 96 60 10
menu "&File", 4
menu "&Options",5,4
item "Remove selected line", 6,5
item "Remove Hash File",7,5
item "Clear Dialog Data",8,5
item "Save without closing",11,5
item break, 9,4
item "&Close", 10,4
on 1:dialog:wordcount:menu:6: {
if ($did($dname,1).sel) did -d wordcount 1 $did($dname,1).sel
on 1:dialog:wordcount:menu:7: {
var %aysywtp = $input(Are you sure you want to proceed $+ $chr(44) $+ $crlf $+ and start your count from scratch?,wd,Caution data will be lost!)
if (%aysywtp == $true) {
echo -a *** Word count set to 0.
if ($hget(wordcount)) hfree wordcount
if ($isfile(wordcount.hsh)) .remove wordcount.hsh
dialog -x wordcount wordcount
on 1:dialog:wordcount:menu:8: { did -r wordcount 1 }
on 1:dialog:wordcount:menu:10: { dialog -x $dname $dname }
on *:dialog:wordcount:menu:11: { hsave -o wordcount wordcount.hsh }
on *:dialog:wordcount:close:0: { hsave -o wordcount wordcount.hsh }
on *:dialog:wordcount:init:0: {
mdx SetMircVersion $version
mdx MarkDialog $dname
mdx SetControlMDX $dname 1 Listview grid report > $vmdx
did -i $dname 1 1 headerdims 290 100
did -i $dname 1 1 headertext Word List $chr(9) Number of words
did -a $dname 3 Number of words: $hget(wordcount,0).item
var %x = $hget(wordcount,0).item
while (%x) {
did -a $dname 1 1 0 $hget(wordcount,%x).item $+ $chr(9) $+ + 0 0 0 $str($chr(160),13) $hget(wordcount,%x).data
dec %x
on *:dialog:wordcount:dclick:1:{
echo -a Word: $gettok($gettok($gettok($gettok($did($dname,$did,$did($dname,$did).sel),2-,32),1,9),2-,32),4,32)
echo -a Word number: $calc($did($dname,$did).sel - 1)
On *:input:*:{
if (/* iswm $1) { return $1- }
if (!$hget(wordcount)) { hmake wordcount 1000 }
hinc wordcount $*
alias wordcount {
if (!$1) && (!$dialog(wordcount)) dialog -dm wordcount wordcount
if ($hget(wordcount,$1)) { echo -a * /count: You have said $1 $hget(wordcount,$1) time(s) }
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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"God sometimes puts us in the dark for us to see the light"