i need a lil help in this script:
; IP WHOIS INFORMATION v0.2 by magic <magic@mirc.net>
; ---------------------------------------------------
; To use the addon load it in your copy of mirc: /load -rs whoisip.mrc
; and to use the addon type /whoisip IP/HOST/NICKNAME in any window and
; the result should echo into yoru active window.
; You are free to use this code any way you want aslong you give me credit for it.
; A special thanks to tidy_trax for his recomendations and $regex help.
alias whoisip {
sockclose whois
if ($regex($1,/^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})$/)) {
sockopen whois whois.cyberabuse.org 43
set %whois.ip $1-
why does this calls WHOIS toward cyberabuse
if it didnt resolved any ip or host... ???
if (!$regex($1,/^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})$/)) {
.enable #DNS
.dns $1-
#DNS off
on *:DNS:{
if ($dns(0).ip) {
set %whois.ip $dns(0).ip
sockopen whois whois.cyberabuse.org 43
else {
echo -ac Info Invalid ip, host or nickname.
.disable #DNS
#DNS end
on *:sockopen:whois: {
if ($sockerr) {
echo -a Unable to connect to whois server.
sockclose whois
else {
sockwrite -nt whois %whois.ip
on *:sockread:whois: {
sockread %data
if %data {
if (%data == %
http://www.cyberabuse.org/whois/) {
sockclose $sockname
echo -a
echo -a Data from the CyberAbuse Whois Server
echo -a Copyright 2003-2004, Philippe Bourcier
echo -a
if (% $+ * !iswm %data) {
echo -a %data
and if i replace all links to ripe.net exept 1st one (that stays cyberabuse) why do i again get result only from cyberabuse ?