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#116007 01/04/05 06:38 AM
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Alex01 Offline OP
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I wanted to know what the private messages look like, made a /debug:
<- :z!alex1990@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx PRIVMSG alex01 :text!!!!

It's PRIVMSG, right? I wrote a small script, just to test it:
raw PRIVMSG:*: { echo -s I got some text. }

I send a message to myself from another nickname. The debug-window shows the text, but echo doesn't seem to work.
Why is that?

P.S.: If I replace the PRIVMSG with, e.g., ACTION - it still won't work. But it does work when I replace it with a numeric (on other events, of course).
But, as far as I've figured out, the PRIVMSG doesn't have its own numeric...

#116008 01/04/05 09:15 AM
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Hoopy frood
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I used Raw *:*: { echo -s $rawmsg } and it didn't echo anything at all.

I do however have this crappy code I'vejust whipped up. I think it works, from what I triedit seems to, but if it don't I'm sure someone can patch it up. I've not been to sleep yet, I'm dropping at the keyboard. grin

on *:Connect: {
  .timer 0 1 privmsg 

alias privmsg {
  if (!$isfile($debug)) { return }
  var %x = $lines($debug)
  while (%x) {
    if ($numtok($read($debug,%x),32) == 5) {
      if ($gettok($gettok($gettok($read($debug,%x),2,58),1,64),1,33) != $me)  &amp;&amp; ($gettok($read($debug,%x),3,32) == PRIVMSG) &amp;&amp; ($gettok($read($debug,%x),4,32) == $me) echo -a I got some text.
    dec %x

It may turn out there's a more simpler way and wont need this. Set your debug output to a log file and not window. I used /debug debug.log.

You might even be able to sort the code out if it don't work sufficiently, what it does is reads from the the log file to see if your nickname isn't the bart in blue, it also checks if the raw event was PRIVMSG in red. And will then echo I got some text. If your nickname matches the nickname the PRIVMSG was sent to.

<- :SladeKraven!Andy@=XDkswc54-437-735-342.range81-154.btcentralplus.com PRIVMSG Andy :...

I hope this helps, even a little bit. But my example should show you how to do it if mine don't work sufficiently hehehe.

All the best,


#116009 01/04/05 09:38 AM
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Alex01 Offline OP
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Hmm, yeah, this should work (although I haven't tried yet, I got the idea).
But the code I was trying to get working IS supposed to work, and it's much better, too. I don't adore timers that work all the time, really. smile
Maybe this thread is for the "mIRC Bugs" board?

#116010 01/04/05 09:44 AM
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Hoopy frood
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Most probably is better that was just a rough etch up and plus I'm pretty tired.

As for bugs, I wouldn't call it a bug I'm not sure what to make of it IMO.


Last edited by SladeKraven; 01/04/05 09:45 AM.
#116011 01/04/05 10:06 AM
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Babel fish
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"The raw event allows you to process numeric server messages that are identified only by a number, and non-numeric server messages which mIRC doesn't recognize internally."

taken from /help raw events, pay special attention to the last part. so for messages, you have to work with the on text event.

as side note, you can make /debug send everything to an alias, see /help /debug


#116012 01/04/05 10:14 AM
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Hoopy frood
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Yeah. smile

I guess I just wanted to see if there was any other way without On Text handling. As for the alias, I did something similar in my first post.


#116013 01/04/05 12:27 PM
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Hoopy frood
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another way is using

/debug -i on $debugger

alias debugger {
  ; $1 contains debug line so do what ya want with it
  tokenize 32 $1
  if     ($1 $3 == -&gt; PRIVMSG) { echo -st YOU JUST SAID TEXT SAID IN A PRIVMSG TO $4 IT WAS $mid($5-,2) }
  elseif ($1 $3 == &lt;- PRIVMSG) { echo -st YOU JUST RECIEVED A PRIVMSG FROM $4 IT WAS $mid($5-,2) }
  return $1-

#116014 01/04/05 01:16 PM
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Hoopy frood
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Ah yes, I read about that earlier when looking for the $debug identifier. Good point. smile

#116015 01/04/05 01:18 PM
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Hoopy frood
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What Dave showed, is what wiebe tried to point out to you, if you read his last line carefully :tongue:

#116016 01/04/05 01:36 PM
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Alex01 Offline OP
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another way is using
/debug -i on $debugger ...

Thank you very much! Works perfectly.

#116017 01/04/05 10:12 PM
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Hoopy frood
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just a side note If your not keeping a debug.log, you might want to do something like

/debug -i null $debugger
^ null isnt nul device but just a file called null, see below i keep clearing the first thing in the alias

alias debugger {
  write -c null

* I tried sending output to nul and nul: but mirc didnt like it frown Anyone know how to set that?

#116018 01/04/05 11:10 PM
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Another (not necessarily better) way of saving some resources, is by sending the debug output to a (hidden) window and simply having the debugger alias not /return anything; that way, that window will always remain empty, and no debug.log file will be created either. That's the method I use, anyway.

* I tried sending output to nul and nul: but mirc didnt like it

As far as I know, mIRC blocks such device names because of the old /con/con (etc) DoS problems..

Saturn, QuakeNet staff
#116019 02/04/05 08:31 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The nul device is accepted by mirc in some occasions, like /debug and /filter. Are you sure
/debug -i nul somealias
doesn't work? As far as I know, it also works on 9x systems (I'm on XP).

#116020 11/04/05 10:37 AM
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I always cheated didnt actually know about using debuger but good info. Whenever i needed to know the raw data sent and recieved,i ussually used a script similar to this.

on *:sockwrite:ircserver: { echo @irc SENT: $1- }
on *:sockread:ircserver:{
  if ($sockerr &gt; 0) { return }
  sockread -f %ircServer
  if (%ircserver != $null) {
    echo @irc RECVD: %ircServer
  if ($sockbr == 0) return
  goto nextread
on 1:input:@irc: { if ( $left($1,1) != / ) { sockwrite -n ircserver $1- } }

just need to do /window -e @irc and finish up with a /sockopen irc.somenetwork.net 6667
never failed when i needed to know raw data sent from ircd to client and back that code will probably ping out tho was a 2 sec write real fast

#116021 12/04/05 02:03 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The nul device is accepted by mirc in some occasions, like /debug and /filter. Are you sure
/debug -i nul somealias
doesn't work? As far as I know, it also works on 9x systems (I'm on XP).

Grrrrr i had tried to use /write nul before and it failed, so i assumed it was blocked outright, thanks for the tip

#116022 12/04/05 09:43 AM
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Mostly harmless
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i would like to know if i can get credit cards number and their information,checks,moneyr orders and bank accounts loggin,i hope to hear from you soon,if u dont have any info,u can ask around,i would pay for it

#116023 12/04/05 11:36 AM
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Hoopy frood
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This has nothing to do with this thread, and we do not help with those activities here. Please do not make any further attempts at this, it's bad, you wouldn't like it done to you, and it's highly illegal.



#116024 12/04/05 10:11 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Where on earth did that come from?

#116025 30/04/05 01:25 AM
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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spammer, he was on the scripting board before.
anyways this board has helped me archieve somthing i tried with raw privmsg:*: and didnt work
so thx peeps cool

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