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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
Joined: Mar 2005
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Hey morning all why this script does'nt save the badwords i put on it? (when i go exit and then i open my Mirc script the words that i put on it they dont exist - dont save - hash problem? ) here is the script =>
On *:start: { hmake badwords 50 if ( $isfile($+(",$scriptdirbadwords.hsh,")) ) { hload badwords $+(",$scriptdirbadwords.hsh,") } } on *:exit: { hsave -ob badwords $+(",$scriptdirbadwords.hsh,") hfree badwords } dialog badwords { title "Bad Words List" size -1 -1 170 160 option dbu button "OK", 10, 62 144 37 12, ok cancel tab "Words", 30, 0 -2 169 141 edit "Enter Your Bad Word To Add", 1, 4 14 124 10, tab 30 box "Current Bad Words list. Double Click a word to remove it.", 3, 2 26 166 112, tab 30 button "Add Word", 11, 130 14 37 10, tab 30 list 2, 4 34 162 102, tab 30 sort size tab "Options", 31 check "Warn Before Kicking or Banning", 40, 2 16 134 10, tab 31 check "Kick User", 41, 2 26 38 10, tab 31 check "Kick/Ban User", 42, 2 36 54 10, tab 31 edit "5 Minutes", 43, 116 36 50 10, tab 31 text "Ban Time In Minutes:", 50, 64 38 51 8, tab 31 edit "Please Watch Your language.", 45, 50 70 116 20, tab 31 multi autohs text "Ban/Kick Reason:", 4, 2 70 43 8, tab 31 text "Channels to Monitor:", 52, 2 96 163 8, tab 31 edit "Use # to indicate all channels. Seperate Multiple channels by spaces. IE: #channel1 #channel2 #channel3", 46, 2 104 166 22, tab 31 multi autovs text "Warning Message:", 53, 2 48 47 8, tab 31 edit "Please Watch Your Language. Further abuse will cause actions to be taken.", 47, 50 46 116 20, tab 31 multi } alias badwords { if ( !$hget(badwords) ) hmake badwords 100 dialog -m Badwords Badwords } on *:dialog:badwords:init:0: { if ( $hget(badwords) != $null ) { var %x 1 did -r badwords 2 while ( %x <= $hget(badwords,0).item ) { did -a badwords 2 $hget(badwords,%x).item inc %x } } if ( $ini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini),Badwords) != $null ) { if ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"),Badwords,Warn) == 1 ) did -c badwords 40 if ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"),Badwords,Kick) == 1 ) did -c badwords 41 if ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"),Badwords,Ban) == 1 ) did -c badwords 42 if ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"),Badwords,Bantime) != $null ) did -ra badwords 43 $calc( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"),Badwords,Bantime) / 60 ) Minutes if ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"),Badwords,Reason) != $null ) did -ra badwords 45 $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"),Badwords,Reason) if ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"),Badwords,Warnmsg) != $null ) did -ra badwords 47 $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"),Badwords,Warnmsg) if ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"),Badwords,Channels) != $null ) did -ra badwords 46 $replace($readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"),Badwords,Channels),$chr(44),$chr(32)) } } on *:dialog:badwords:dclick:2: { hdel badwords $did(badwords,2).seltext did -d badwords 2 $did(badwords,2).sel }
on *:dialog:badwords:sclick:11: { if ( $did(badwords,1).text == $null ) { did -ra badwords 1 Please Enter Text halt } if ( $hfind(badwords,$did(badwords,1).text,1) == $null ) { if ( $did(badwords,1).edited == $true ) { hadd badwords $did(badwords,1).text did -a badwords 2 $did(badwords,1).text did -j badwords 1 } else { did -ra badwords 1 You Must edit this text before clicking add. did -j badwords 1 } } else { did -ra badwords 1 $+(",$did(badwords,1).text,") Already Exists in the List. did -j badwords 1 } } on *:dialog:badwords:sclick:41: { if ( $did(badwords,41).state == 1 ) && ( $did(badwords,42).state == 1 ) { did -u badwords 42 } } on *:dialog:badwords:sclick:42: { if ( $did(badwords,42).state == 1 ) && ( $did(badwords,41).state == 1 ) { did -u badwords 41 } } on *:dialog:badwords:sclick:10: { .writeini $+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,") Badwords Warn $did(badwords,40).state .writeini $+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,") Badwords Kick $did(badwords,41).state .writeini $+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,") Badwords Ban $did(badwords,42).state var %x 1 if ( $did(badwords,45).text != $null ) { while ( %x <= $did(badwords,45).lines ) { set %badwords.reason %badwords.reason $did(badwords,45,%x).text inc %x } .writeini $+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,") Badwords Reason %badwords.reason unset %badwords.reason } else { .remini $+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,") Badwords Reason } var %x 1 if ( $did(badwords,47).text != $null ) { while ( %x <= $did(badwords,47).lines ) { set %badwords.warnmsg %badwords.warnmsg $did(badwords,47,%x).text inc %x } .writeini $+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,") Badwords Warnmsg %badwords.warnmsg unset %badwords.warnmsg } else { .remini $+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,") Badwords Warnmsg } $iif( $did(badwords,43).text != $null , .writeini $+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,") Badwords Bantime $calc( $int($did(badwords,43).text) * 60 ) , .remini $+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,") Badwords Bantime ) if ( $did(badwords,46).edited ) && ( $did(badwords,46).text != $null ) { var %x 1 while ( %x <= $did(badwords,46).lines ) { set %badwords.channels %badwords.channels $did(badwords,46,%x).text inc %x } .writeini $+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,") Badwords Channels $replace(%badwords.channels,$chr(32),$chr(44)) unset %badwords.channels } else { .remini $+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,") Badwords Channels } }
;;;;;;;;on text script section;;;;;;;;;;;;;; on @*:text:*:$($readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Channels)): { var %x 1 while ( %x <= $numtok($1-,32) ) { if ( $hfind(badwords,$gettok($1-,%x,32),1,W) != $null ) { ;;warn;; if ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Warn) == 1 ) { if ( $hget(badwordswarn,$+($nick,.,$chan)) == $null ) { hinc -m badwordswarn $+($nick,.,$chan) .Notice $nick $chan $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Warnmsg) } else { hinc -m badwordswarn $+($nick,.,$chan) } ;;warned kick;; if ( $hget(badwordswarn,$+($nick,.,$chan)) > 1 ) && ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Kick) == 1 ) && ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Ban) == 0 ) { .kick $chan $nick $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Reason ) hdel badwordswarn $+($nick,.,$chan) } ;;warned kickban;; elseif ( $hget(badwordswarn,$+($nick,.,$chan)) > 1 ) && ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Kick) == 0 ) && ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Ban) == 1 ) { .ban $+(-ku,$readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Bantime)) $chan $nick $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Reason ) $calc( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"),Badwords,Bantime) / 60 ) Minutes hdel badwordswarn $+($nick,.,$chan) } } } ;;no warn;; if ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Warn) == 0 ) { ;;;no warn kick;;; if ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Kick) == 1 ) && ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Ban) == 0 ) { .kick $chan $nick $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Reason ) } ;;;no warn kickban elseif ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Kick) == 0 ) && ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Ban) == 1 ) { .ban $+(-ku,$readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Bantime) $chan $nick $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Reason ) Banned: $calc( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"),Badwords,Bantime) / 60 ) Minutes } } inc %x } }
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I havent looked at your script yet, but a real good idea when you post alot of code like that is to click the Code link down the bottom, this adds two tags called code & /code put youtr code between them and its spaced out like it should be instead of all being on the left wall, this makes reading it much simplier, and thus more likely to get someone helping.
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
Joined: Mar 2005
Posts: 17 |
sorry about that  let me try again
On *:start: {
hmake badwords 50
if ( $isfile($+(",$scriptdirbadwords.hsh,")) ) {
hload badwords $+(",$scriptdirbadwords.hsh,")
on *:exit: {
hsave -ob badwords $+(",$scriptdirbadwords.hsh,")
hfree badwords
dialog badwords {
title "Bad Words List"
size -1 -1 170 160
option dbu
button "OK", 10, 62 144 37 12, ok cancel
tab "Words", 30, 0 -2 169 141
edit "Enter Your Bad Word To Add", 1, 4 14 124 10, tab 30
box "Current Bad Words list. Double Click a word to remove it.", 3, 2 26 166 112, tab 30
button "Add Word", 11, 130 14 37 10, tab 30
list 2, 4 34 162 102, tab 30 sort size
tab "Options", 31
check "Warn Before Kicking or Banning", 40, 2 16 134 10, tab 31
check "Kick User", 41, 2 26 38 10, tab 31
check "Kick/Ban User", 42, 2 36 54 10, tab 31
edit "5 Minutes", 43, 116 36 50 10, tab 31
text "Ban Time In Minutes:", 50, 64 38 51 8, tab 31
edit "Please Watch Your language.", 45, 50 70 116 20, tab 31 multi autohs
text "Ban/Kick Reason:", 4, 2 70 43 8, tab 31
text "Channels to Monitor:", 52, 2 96 163 8, tab 31
edit "Use # to indicate all channels. Seperate Multiple channels by spaces. IE: #channel1 #channel2 #channel3", 46, 2 104 166 22, tab 31 multi autovs
text "Warning Message:", 53, 2 48 47 8, tab 31
edit "Please Watch Your Language. Further abuse will cause actions to be taken.", 47, 50 46 116 20, tab 31 multi
alias badwords {
if ( !$hget(badwords) ) hmake badwords 100
dialog -m Badwords Badwords
on *:dialog:badwords:init:0: {
if ( $hget(badwords) != $null ) {
var %x 1
did -r badwords 2
while ( %x <= $hget(badwords,0).item ) {
did -a badwords 2 $hget(badwords,%x).item
inc %x
if ( $ini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini),Badwords) != $null ) {
if ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"),Badwords,Warn) == 1 ) did -c badwords 40
if ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"),Badwords,Kick) == 1 ) did -c badwords 41
if ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"),Badwords,Ban) == 1 ) did -c badwords 42
if ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"),Badwords,Bantime) != $null ) did -ra badwords 43 $calc( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"),Badwords,Bantime) / 60 ) Minutes
if ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"),Badwords,Reason) != $null ) did -ra badwords 45 $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"),Badwords,Reason)
if ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"),Badwords,Warnmsg) != $null ) did -ra badwords 47 $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"),Badwords,Warnmsg)
if ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"),Badwords,Channels) != $null ) did -ra badwords 46 $replace($readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"),Badwords,Channels),$chr(44),$chr(32))
on *:dialog:badwords:dclick:2: {
hdel badwords $did(badwords,2).seltext
did -d badwords 2 $did(badwords,2).sel
on *:dialog:badwords:sclick:11: {
if ( $did(badwords,1).text == $null ) {
did -ra badwords 1 Please Enter Text
if ( $hfind(badwords,$did(badwords,1).text,1) == $null ) {
if ( $did(badwords,1).edited == $true ) {
hadd badwords $did(badwords,1).text
did -a badwords 2 $did(badwords,1).text
did -j badwords 1
else {
did -ra badwords 1 You Must edit this text before clicking add.
did -j badwords 1
else {
did -ra badwords 1 $+(",$did(badwords,1).text,") Already Exists in the List.
did -j badwords 1
on *:dialog:badwords:sclick:41: {
if ( $did(badwords,41).state == 1 ) && ( $did(badwords,42).state == 1 ) {
did -u badwords 42
on *:dialog:badwords:sclick:42: {
if ( $did(badwords,42).state == 1 ) && ( $did(badwords,41).state == 1 ) {
did -u badwords 41
on *:dialog:badwords:sclick:10: {
.writeini $+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,") Badwords Warn $did(badwords,40).state
.writeini $+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,") Badwords Kick $did(badwords,41).state
.writeini $+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,") Badwords Ban $did(badwords,42).state
var %x 1
if ( $did(badwords,45).text != $null ) {
while ( %x <= $did(badwords,45).lines ) {
set %badwords.reason %badwords.reason $did(badwords,45,%x).text
inc %x
.writeini $+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,") Badwords Reason %badwords.reason
unset %badwords.reason
else {
.remini $+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,") Badwords Reason
var %x 1
if ( $did(badwords,47).text != $null ) {
while ( %x <= $did(badwords,47).lines ) {
set %badwords.warnmsg %badwords.warnmsg $did(badwords,47,%x).text
inc %x
.writeini $+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,") Badwords Warnmsg %badwords.warnmsg
unset %badwords.warnmsg
else {
.remini $+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,") Badwords Warnmsg
$iif( $did(badwords,43).text != $null , .writeini $+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,") Badwords Bantime $calc( $int($did(badwords,43).text) * 60 ) , .remini $+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,") Badwords Bantime )
if ( $did(badwords,46).edited ) && ( $did(badwords,46).text != $null ) {
var %x 1
while ( %x <= $did(badwords,46).lines ) {
set %badwords.channels %badwords.channels $did(badwords,46,%x).text
inc %x
.writeini $+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,") Badwords Channels $replace(%badwords.channels,$chr(32),$chr(44))
unset %badwords.channels
else {
.remini $+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,") Badwords Channels
;;;;;;;;on text script section;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
on @*:text:*:$($readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Channels)): {
var %x 1
while ( %x <= $numtok($1-,32) ) {
if ( $hfind(badwords,$gettok($1-,%x,32),1,W) != $null ) {
if ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Warn) == 1 ) {
if ( $hget(badwordswarn,$+($nick,.,$chan)) == $null ) {
hinc -m badwordswarn $+($nick,.,$chan)
.Notice $nick $chan $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Warnmsg)
else {
hinc -m badwordswarn $+($nick,.,$chan)
;;warned kick;;
if ( $hget(badwordswarn,$+($nick,.,$chan)) > 1 ) && ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Kick) == 1 ) && ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Ban) == 0 ) {
.kick $chan $nick $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Reason )
hdel badwordswarn $+($nick,.,$chan)
;;warned kickban;;
elseif ( $hget(badwordswarn,$+($nick,.,$chan)) > 1 ) && ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Kick) == 0 ) && ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Ban) == 1 ) {
.ban $+(-ku,$readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Bantime)) $chan $nick $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Reason ) $calc( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"),Badwords,Bantime) / 60 ) Minutes
hdel badwordswarn $+($nick,.,$chan)
;;no warn;;
if ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Warn) == 0 ) {
;;;no warn kick;;;
if ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Kick) == 1 ) && ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Ban) == 0 ) {
.kick $chan $nick $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Reason )
;;;no warn kickban
elseif ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Kick) == 0 ) && ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Ban) == 1 ) {
.ban $+(-ku,$readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Bantime) $chan $nick $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Reason ) Banned: $calc( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"),Badwords,Bantime) / 60 ) Minutes
inc %x
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Much easier to read, and thus spot, I saw this instantly, and then went off to test what i believed to be the problem, looks like it is it.
On *:start: {
hmake badwords 50
if ( $isfile($+(",$scriptdirbadwords.hsh,")) ) {
hload badwords $+(",$scriptdirbadwords.hsh,")
on *:exit: {
hsave -ob badwords $+(",$scriptdirbadwords.hsh,")
hfree badwords
Its in there, The saving of the file hsave -ob badwords $+(",$scriptdirbadwords.hsh,") uses -b save binary, when you do this you need to read in using -b as well so replace the above with.....
On *:start: {
hmake badwords 50
if ( $isfile($+(",$scriptdirbadwords.hsh,")) ) {
hload -b badwords $+(",$scriptdirbadwords.hsh,")
on *:exit: {
hsave -ob badwords $+(",$scriptdirbadwords.hsh,")
hfree badwords
* Only line changed is line 4, see the -b is added  PS: i didnt check anything else in the code, since you seemed to be saying it was all good, just didnt load the words 
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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...so it was a just a little letter ..iakkkk..  Thank u DaveC it's save the words now! u seems to now alot about scripts.Maybe u can help me also in what point and how on this script i can change it to check words with * and @ and space beetween a letters. I want only that tree options! example:if swear word is "badword" 1) [email]B@dword[/email] 2) B*dw*rd 3) Ba d word
Last edited by tenya; 29/03/05 03:13 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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ThiS thread has a problem in to a second part.When i test it with words with spaces or symbols its crash my mirc client after a wile.
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Dammmmmmm  I can't make it.I try hard but i do not have the knolege yet. Script codes is something hard to make it after all  Any help from anyone???? (I need this code to catch also badwords with space beetween letters and 2 symbols * and @ /ie [email]b@dword[/email],b a d wo rd, b*adw*rd)
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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It does indeed do this, a small error crept in during debugging, something i missed sorry. Its been corrected here
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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???????? lol lol i am confused DaveC how can i put all this in your thread to my script i dont now about scripts like u now i JUST wanted a simple help for the spaces beetween letters like i wroted above  is this what i am put in on my scripts on text? var %nicktext | !.echo -q $regsub($1-,/[^A-Z a-z]+/g,*,%nicktext but hey appraisated anyway for ur help 
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Replace your on text script section with the following... ;;;;;;;;on text script section;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
on @*:text:*:$($readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Channels)): {
if (( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Warn) == 1 ) || ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Kick) == 1 ) || ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Ban) == 1 )) {
; Were actually gonna do something to someone so lets check for badwords
var %orginal = $1-
var %text = $replace($strip($1-),@,a,?,¿,*,?)
var %i = $numtok(%text,32)
while (%i) {
tokenize 32 $gettok(%text,$+(%i,-),32)
while ($0) {
if ( ($hfind(badwords,$1,1,W) != $null) || (($remove($1,?,*)) && ($hfind(badwords,$1,1,w))) ) {
; Found a badword so lets do something to them
var %badword.match = $v1
if (( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Warn) == 1 ) && !$hget(badwordswarn,$+($nick,.,$chan))) {
hinc -m badwordswarn $+($nick,.,$chan)
.Notice $nick $chan $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Warnmsg) Matched Word %badword.match
var %i = 1 | break | ; clean exit strategy
elseif (( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Kick) == 1 ) && ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Ban) == 0 )) {
.kick $chan $nick $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Reason ) Matched Word %badword.match
hinc -m badwordswarn $+($nick,.,$chan)
hdel badwordswarn $+($nick,.,$chan)
var %i = 1 | break | ; clean exit strategy
elseif ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Kick) == 0 ) && ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Ban) == 1 ) {
.ban $+(-ku,$readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Bantime)) $chan $nick $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Reason ) Banned: $calc( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"),Badwords,Bantime) / 60 ) Minutes. Matched Word %badword.match
hinc -m badwordswarn $+($nick,.,$chan)
hdel badwordswarn $+($nick,.,$chan)
var %i = 1 | break | ; clean exit strategy
tokenize 32 $iif(($0 > 1),$+($1,$2-))
dec %i
tokenize 32 %orginal | ; clean exit strategy
* it was the best I could think of, i dont think its perfect but its ok. It may lag you if the channel has lots of talking.
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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what a guy ....... thaaaaaannnkk youuuuuu DaveC  I test it and it's work alright Now i have a swear kicker exactly what i want !! yupieeeeeeeeeeeee  (just curiosity ..what point and why cause the lag if they cause it ? -i dont test it with lots talking yet-)
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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becuase its got to do a lot of work
if someone says "my dog ate my cat"
if must check all of these. my mydog mydogate mydogatemy mydogatemycat dog dogate dogatemy dogatemycat ate atemy atemycat my mycat cat
Becuase you wanted words with spaces in joined. it must do (((X^2)+X)/2) comparasions example if you have 16 words it well do (((16 * 16) + 16) / 2 ) = 136 comparasons 100 words is 5,050 comparasons (now thats gonna lag ya!)
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Yeap ..now i understand  but i will keep it anyway.. thank u thank u so mutch for ur help  really appraisated!! 
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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hey DaveC i have a small problem on this "on text" when someone types the symbol " & " they catched for the badwords and the strange is i dont have it in badwords list any idea how to correct this? (thes symbols * or @ dont cached unless if is in badwords -and that we want it- .....but "&" ..why?)
if you have a time pls can u look at this>? thanks for advance
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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locate this line var %text = $replace($strip($1-),@,a,?,¿,*,?) replace with var %text = $replace($strip($1-),@,a,?,¿,*,?,&,+)
The & is a special character in text matches and matches one whole word, so thats likely what was happening, sorry i didnt get back to you, this message liekly fell off page one, and sometimes i never look on any of the other pages on the forum.