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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Greetings to the visitors and staff of mIRC Forum,
I'm needing help in adding an alias which pulls up the current Bans in that chat channel and writes those to a text file, so I can later compare those to a preset list of unwanted folks.
Currently, we have just been reloading a preset list of unwanted folks into the chat channel, however in some cases where they already exist, that can lead to flooding us off that server or needlessly giving a chat server a request which is a duplicate.
Thanks for your help and consideration, MDA
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hey there MDA, do you mean something like this? /getbans This writes to #Bans.In.#Opers for example and lists the bans. Each time you issue the command the file is cleared to prevent any duplications.
alias getbans {
if ($active ischan) {
set -u10 %chan $chan
if ($exists($+(GetBans\Bans.In.,%chan,.txt))) { write -c $+(GetBans\Bans.In.,%chan,.txt) }
.enable #GetBans
.mode $chan +b
#GetBans off
Raw 367:*: {
mkdir GetBans
echo %chan $3
write $+(GetBans\Bans.In.,%chan,.txt) $3
Raw 368:*: {
.disable #GetBans
#GetBans end
Hope this helps, All the best. -Andy.
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Greetings and much appreciation SladeKraven,
That is precisely what I was searching for. After I ran a raw session into a window, I was able to see what server commands were being used. Mode $channel +b and the raws listing the bans, 367 and end 368.
Do you or someone else have a quick and easy method to compare each line of a text file to another. What I'll have is the preset Ban's in one text file (PresetBan.txt) and each of those would be listed in a single $1 string for each line. And I wish to compare that with the resulting output text file using the routine similar to what you posted SladeKraven (CurrentBans.txt). Based upon that comparison, those missing in the CurrentBans.txt file, but found in the PresetBan.txt file would be written into AddBans.txt file where I'll go ahead and add them.
The problem I have is the coding I use to do a comparison of two text files is long, tedious and slow. I want to output whatever is missing in the CurrentBans.txt file compared with the PresetBan.txt file to a third text file (AddBans.txt) which I'll then use to add the remaining or missing Preset Bans back into that chat channel.
Do you or someone else have a elequent and quick way to compare the lines of two text files and write those missing to the AddBans.txt file?
Thanks again for your consideration, MDA
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Not sure about elequent, this isn't going to be fast (but will depend on your system speed and the size of the files) If someone could do something like this, but reading both files into RAM, rather than comparing them on the hard drive, it would be significantly faster. Usage: /compare alias compare {
var %a = 1
while %a <= $lines(CurrentBans.txt) {
if !$read(CurrentBans,w,$read(PresetBan.txt,%a)) {
.write -s $+ $read(PresetBan.txt,%a) AddBans.txt $read(PresetBan.txt,%a)
inc %a
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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alias compare {
var %a = 1
while %a <= $lines(CurrentBans.txt) {
if !$read(CurrentBans,w,$read(PresetBan.txt,%a)) {
.write -s $+ $read(PresetBan.txt,%a) AddBans.txt $read(PresetBan.txt,%a)
inc %a
Greetings RusselB, Is something is missing or incorrect in that code, I cannot get it to output anything to the AddBans.txt file. alias compare { var %az = 1 while %az <= $lines(CurrentBans.txt) { if !$read(CurrentBans,w,$read(PresetBan.txt,%az)) { .write -s $+ $read(PresetBan.txt,%az) AddBans.txt $read(PresetBan.txt,%az) } inc %az } } The CurrentBans.txt and PresetBan.txt are both in that main mIRC directory, it just seems something is missing in the code you listed so that it properly writes to the AddBans.txt file. If you or someone else could help point out what is missing or incorrect, I'd appreciate it. Thanks, MDA
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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That was quite funny, took me a long time to realize you had named your alias after a command, so it couldn't possibly work. I looked and prodded the alias and couldn't see anything wrong with it simply running, the file order appeared incorrect but it should at least run I thought. NOPE, lol, have to rename that alias to Compared to function at all.
Then I rewrote the code to work with the proper files sequence of files, and changed the nesting routines so they would work properly also.
alias compared { set %az 1 while %az <= $lines(C:\tc-chat\PresetBan.txt) { set %Addban $read(C:\tc-chat\PresetBan.txt,%az) if (!$read(C:\tc-chat\CurrentBans.txt,w,* $+ %Addban $+ *)) { .write C:\tc-chat\AddBans.txt %Addban } inc %az } }
Finished Working Routines appear as this:
alias Denys { .write -c C:\tc-chat\CurrentBans.txt .write -c C:\tc-chat\AddBans.txt mode %roomname +b .timer.compared 1 30 /compared }
raw 367:*: { .write C:\tc-chat\CurrentBans.txt $3 }
alias compared { set %az 1 while %az <= $lines(C:\tc-chat\PresetBan.txt) { set %Addban $read(C:\tc-chat\PresetBan.txt,%az) if (!$read(C:\tc-chat\CurrentBans.txt,w,* $+ %Addban $+ *)) { .write C:\tc-chat\AddBans.txt %Addban } inc %az } }
Thanks to each for your suggestions and help, MDA
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Sorry about the name problem on the alias in my script. However, I'm glad you managed to get something that works.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You're welcome. 