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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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does someone have a simple script that +v people when the idle time is less than 600 sec.. and -v all with idle time over 600 secs?
i cant figure it our, tried many times now
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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only way i know to get a nick's idle is with /whois nick nick (the nick twice is required if you are not on the same Server) RAW Code Display on 311 M`` mikechat host-66-81-113-157.rev.o1.com * Dont you have homework to do? - M`` is mikechat@host-66-81-113-157.rev.o1.com * Dont you have homework to do? 319 M`` @#ASCII_ART M`` on @#ASCII_ART 312 M`` broadway.ny.us.dal.net 42nd Street M`` using broadway.ny.us.dal.net 42nd Street 307 M`` has identified for this nick M`` has identified for this nick 317 M`` 2665 1110725735 seconds idle, signon time M`` has been idle 44mins 25secs, signed on Sun Mar 13 06:55:35 318 M`` End of /WHOIS list. M`` End of /WHOIS list. - I used this bit to see the raw code(s) #showraw on
raw *:*:echo 4 -a $numeric $2-
on *:mode:#: { echo -a 4 $1 8 $2 9 $3 11 $4 13 $5 4 $6 }
#showraw end
menu menubar {
Show &RAW codes:{
if ($group(#showraw) = off) { .enable #showraw }
else { .disable #showraw }
echo $color(action) -a RAW Code Display $group(#showraw)
so I see that RAW code 317 has the nick, the idle time and the signon date/time 317 M`` 2665 1110725735 seconds idle, signon time //say $duration(2665) gives: 44mins 25secs if you are in a busy/large channel this could take quite a bit of runtime to check everyone, so you will want to restrict the search to just $chan(#,v) users the RAW events have you as the first parameter( $1) so this should give the nick and idle time (in seconds) raw 317:*: { echo -a $2 $3 }
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You can also check the person's idle time with $nick().idleI can see 2 ways to do the script: 1) You can run a single /timer that cycles through all nicks and checks their idle (not accurate but doesn't make mIRC slow); 2) You can make a /timer everytime that a person talks (accurate but makes mIRC slow). Hope this can help  Zyzzyx. Note: the "slowness" depends on the number of users and on your computer. When I say 'slow' I mean 'slower' 
Last edited by Zyzzyx26; 13/03/05 05:21 PM.
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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but im a bit lost .. well.. the way i would do it.. but im not sure ican code it  make a timer that checks idletimes.. it should store nicks with idletime over 600 secs .. and make a while loop that devoice them.. And the other way.. timer again.. that make a loop on the devoiced people and voice them if they got idle time under 600 secs ect.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I tested this with an echo and it looks like it will work, I just made it as fast as I could though so it's not the most efficient: alias idle.setmode {
if ($me isop $1) {
var %i = 1, %nicks.idle, %nicks.active
while ($nick($1,%i,$3)) {
if ($nick($1,%i,$3).idle > $2) { %nicks.idle = %nicks.idle $nick($1,%i,$3) }
inc %i
%i = 1
while ($nick($1,%i,a,$3)) {
if ($nick($1,%i,a,$3).idle <= $2) { %nicks.active = %nicks.active $nick($1,%i,a,$3) }
inc %i
%i = 1
while (%nicks.idle) {
mode $1 $+(-,$str($3,$iif($modespl > $numtok(%nicks.idle,32),$v2,$v1))) $gettok(%nicks.idle,$+(1-,$modespl),32)
%nicks.idle = $deltok(%nicks.idle,$+(1-,$modespl),32)
%i = 1
while (%nicks.active) {
mode $1 $+(+,$str($3,$iif($modespl > $numtok(%nicks.active,32),$v2,$v1))) $gettok(%nicks.active,$+(1-,$modespl),32)
%nicks.active = $deltok(%nicks.active,$+(1-,$modespl),32)
New username: hixxy
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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I tested this with an echo and it looks like it will work, I just made it as fast as I could though so it's not the most efficient: alias idle.setmode {
if ($me isop $1) {
var %i = 1, %nicks.idle, %nicks.active
while ($nick($1,%i,$3)) {
if ($nick($1,%i,$3).idle > $2) { %nicks.idle = %nicks.idle $nick($1,%i,$3) }
inc %i
%i = 1
while ($nick($1,%i,a,$3)) {
if ($nick($1,%i,a,$3).idle <= $2) { %nicks.active = %nicks.active $nick($1,%i,a,$3) }
inc %i
%i = 1
while (%nicks.idle) {
mode $1 $+(-,$str($3,$iif($modespl > $numtok(%nicks.idle,32),$v2,$v1))) $gettok(%nicks.idle,$+(1-,$modespl),32)
%nicks.idle = $deltok(%nicks.idle,$+(1-,$modespl),32)
%i = 1
while (%nicks.active) {
mode $1 $+(+,$str($3,$iif($modespl > $numtok(%nicks.active,32),$v2,$v1))) $gettok(%nicks.active,$+(1-,$modespl),32)
%nicks.active = $deltok(%nicks.active,$+(1-,$modespl),32)
} how would you call it?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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* tidy_trax slaps himself I was supposed to add that at the end of my last post.
/idle.setmode <channel> <idle time> <mode>
So for the one you want specifically: /idle.setmode <channel> 600 v
New username: hixxy
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Joined: Mar 2005
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thanks.. it works.. and thanks for the snip..
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Here's a much more effecient one (Uses one while loop instead of four), usage is the same as the other one. alias idle.setmode {
if ($me isop $1) {
var %i = 1, %idle.nicks, %active.nicks
while ($nick($1,%i)) {
if ($nick($1,$nick($1,%i),$3)) && ($nick($1,%i).idle > $2) { %idle.nicks = %idle.nicks $nick($1,%i) }
elseif ($nick($1,$nick($1,%i),a,$3)) && ($nick($1,%i).idle <= $2) { %active.nicks = %active.nicks $nick($1,%i) }
if ($numtok(%idle.nicks,32) == $modespl) {
mode $1 $+(-,$str($3,$modespl)) %idle.nicks
%idle.nicks = ""
if ($numtok(%active.nicks,32) == $modespl) {
mode $1 $+(+,$str($3,$modespl)) %active.nicks
%active.nicks = ""
inc %i
if (%idle.nicks) { mode $1 $+(-,$str($3,$numtok(%idle.nicks,32))) %idle.nicks }
if (%active.nicks) { mode $1 $+(+,$str($3,$numtok(%active.nicks,32))) %active.nicks }
New username: hixxy