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Joined: Feb 2005
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Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
Joined: Feb 2005
Posts: 344
I want to change this:
menu channel {
.Setup (/syssetup):/syssetup
.SystemInfo (/systeminfo):/systeminfo
.Check for updates...:/siupdatecheck
.Custom Line (/cust):/cust
.Intelligent Custom Line (/icust):/icust
.Info (/info):/Info
.Stats (/stats):/stats
.OS Information (/osinfo):/osinfo
.Uptime (/up):/up
.CPU (/cpuinfo):/cpuinfo
.Temperature (/temp):/temp
.Voltages (/volts):/volts
.Memory Usage (/meminfo):/meminfo
.RAM Info (/raminfo):/raminfo
.Virtual Memory (/vinfo):/vinfo
.Page File (/pageinfo):/pageinfo
.Network Drives (/netspace):/netspace
.Hard Disk(s) (/space):/space
.Drive Info (/space LETTER):/space $?="Please enter a drive letter:"
.Folder Information (/space DIR):/space $sdir($mircdir,Choose a folder...,OK)
.File Information (/space PATH):/space $sfile($mircdir,Choose a file...,OK)
.File Info with CRC (/space -c PATH):/space -c $sfile($mircdir,Choose a file...,OK)
.Display (/display):/display
.Peripherals (/periph):/periph
.Connection (/conn):/conn
.Network Interfaces (/ni):/ni
.Change NIC (/ni -change):/ni -change
.Bandwidth (/bw):/bw
.Client (/client):/client
.About...:.syssetup | .timer 1 0.25 did -c syssetup 107
.Reload Script:/reinstallSystemInfo
.Completely Unload:/uninstallSystemInfo

into this:

;alias dialog
alias sinf { dialog -m sinf sinf }

dialog sinf {
title "Systen Info"
size -1 -1 200 210
option dbu
button "Sluit", 1, 150 192 35 10, ok
box "", 2, 5 1 90 19, disable
button "Setup", 3, 20 7 60 10
box "", 4, 105 1 90 19
button "System Info", 5, 120 7 60 10
box "", 6, 50 21 100 19
button "Check for updates", 7, 60 27 80 10
box "System Info", 8, 5 41 190 104
button "Custom Line", 9, 9 48 50 10
button "Intelligent Custom Line", 10, 62 48 80 10
button "Info", 11, 145 48 45 10
button "Stats", 12, 9 60 40 10
button "OS Information", 13, 52 60 52 10
button "Uptime", 14, 107 60 40 10
button "CPU", 15, 150 60 40 10
button "Temperture", 16, 9 72 55 10
button "Voltages", 17, 67 72 55 10
button "Memory Usage", 18, 125 72 65 10
button "RAM Info", 19, 9 84 36 10
button "Virtual Memory", 20, 48 84 50 10
button "Page File", 21, 101 84 36 10
button "Network Drives", 22, 140 84 50 10
button "Hard Diskes", 23, 9 96 55 10
button "Drive Info", 24, 67 96 55 10
button "Folder Information", 25, 125 96 65 10
button "File Information", 26, 9 108 65 10
button "File Info With CRC", 27, 77 108 65 10
button "Display", 28, 145 108 45 10
button "Peripherals", 29, 9 120 50 10
button "Connection", 30, 62 120 50 10
button "Network Interfaces", 31, 115 120 75 10
button "Change NIC", 32, 9 132 60 10
button "Bandwidth", 33, 72 132 60 10
button "Client", 34, 135 132 55 10 , autohs
box "", 35, 5 146 90 19
button "About", 36, 20 152 60 10
box "", 37, 105 146 90 19
button "Reload Script", 38, 120 152 60 10
box "", 39, 50 166 100 19
button "Completely Unload", 40, 60 172 80 10
box "", 41, 5 186 190 19, disable

menu channel {
systeem info: /sinf

;on clicking button (Setup) (System Info) (Check for updates) (Custom Line) (Intelligent Custome Line) (Info) (Stats) (OS Information) (Uptime) (CPU) (Temperature) (Voltages) (Memory Usage) (RAM Info) (Virtual Memory) (Pafe File) (Network Drives) (Hard diskes) (Drive Info) (Folder Information) (File Information) (File Info With CRC) (Display) (Peripherals) (Connection) (Network Interfaces) (Change NIC) (Bandwidth) (Client) (About) (Reload Script) (Completely Unload) event
on *:dialog:sinf:sclick:3: { /syssetup }
on *:dialog:sinf:sclick:5: { /systeminfo }
on *:dialog:sinf:sclick:7: { /siupdatecheck }
on *:dialog:sinf:sclick:9: { /cust }
on *:dialog:sinf:sclick:10: { /icust }
On *:dialog:sinf:sclick:11: { /Info }
on *:dialog:sinf:sclick:12: { /stats }
on *:dialog:sinf:sclick:13: { /osinfo }
on *:dialog:sinf:sclick:14: { /up }
on *:dialog:sinf:sclick:15: { /cpuinfo }
on *:dialog:sinf:sclick:16: { /temp }
on *:dialog:sinf:sclick:17: { /volts }
on *:dialog:sinf:sclick:18: { /meminfo }
on *:dialog:sinf:sclick:19: { /raminfo }
on *:dialog:sinf:sclick:20: { /vinfo }
on *:dialog:sinf:sclick:21: { /pageinfo }
on *:dialog:sinf:sclick:22: { /netspace }
on *:dialog:sinf:sclick:23: { /space }
on *:dialog:sinf:sclick:24: { /space $?="Please enter a drive letter:" }
on *:dialog:sinf:sclick:25: { /space $sdir($mircdir,Choose a folder...,OK) }
on *:dialog:sinf:sclick:26: { /space $sfile($mircdir,Choose a file...,OK) }
on *:dialog:sinf:sclick:27: { /space -c $sfile($mircdir,Choose a file...,OK) }
on *:dialog:sinf:sclick:28: { /display }
on *:dialog:sinf:sclick:29: { /periph }
on *:dialog:sinf:sclick:30: { /conn }
on *:dialog:sinf:sclick:31: { /ni }
on *:dialog:sinf:sclick:32: { /ni -change }
on *:dialog:sinf:sclick:33: { /bw }
on *:dialog:sinf:sclick:34: { /client }
on *:dialog:sinf:sclick:36: { .syssetup | .timer 1 0.25 did -c syssetup 107 }
on *:dialog:sinf:sclick:38: { /reinstallSystemInfo }
on *:dialog:sinf:sclick:40: { /uninstallSystemInfo }

Butt is doesn't work in a dialog.
the dialog seets the channel on inactive and i can't sent the info to the channel.
the script gives a "your not in a channel" error.
please help me.

Joined: Dec 2002
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Dec 2002
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as was mentioned in an earlier post, you are going to have to change the aliases being called so that the /say in the alias is /msg $active
if you prefer, you can set a %variable to the channel when you intiate the dialog, do this in the alias you are using to call the dialog
alias sinf:set %chanID $active | dialog -dm sinf sinf
in this case then you would STILL have to change the aliases called so that they have /msg %chanID

/say <message>
This lets you define an alias that writes directly to a channel as if you were saying something. So "/say Hello there" would be the same as just typing "Hello there". This is useful in an alias when you want to ask the same question (or send the same information) again and again.

/info /say Please note that the games server is currently down and will be offline for a few hours...

Note: You can't use this command in the remote section. Use /msg #channel <message> instead.

Joined: Feb 2005
Posts: 344
Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
Joined: Feb 2005
Posts: 344
Thank you
I didn't understand it the last time and because the systeminfo script isn't mine I didn'tknow where to look.
I found it now and it is working thank you again.

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