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#113657 07/03/05 11:47 AM
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asib Offline OP
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Ameglian cow
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Hm.. i want on join ban for crazy type of nick i mean by that
there is few flooder comes on my server with proxys and they have nicks like

on join i wanna ban this user when they join on my Channel ! i do have porxy Scaner ! but its not good enough tho ! Please help thank you !

*They load alot of porxy's together !*

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Is there any similarities in their identd? How about address? I cant see doing an effective ban on nicknames as eventually you'll ban everybody. Maybe try to find some patterns in the nicknames or channel they're in to ban them with too.

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asib Offline OP
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Ameglian cow
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Yes they are Ident are Same Crazy type of ! i have this dron protction ! its doesnt work no more it use to work good and per face ! ! Please help me out in here smile

Last edited by asib; 08/03/05 06:24 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If the identds are similar, you could ban using that. Just an EXAMPLE (which I KNOW is a wide identd ban) would be:


If the identds are all like that, you coudl try (VERY wide ban I know):

mode # +b *!???????@*

OR, here's where regex might work better (I dont know regex well enough)..... maybe like (somebody else who knows this stuff can tell you):

on join, if the identd in the address matches [letter][letter][number][number][number][number][number], ban them via identd. Just a thought

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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on @!*:JOIN:#: if ($regex($nick, /^(?:[a-z][a-z]?[456]{5})$/)) ban -k $chan $nick 2 Not interested, thanks anyway.

DALnet: #HelpDesk and #m[color:#FF0000]IR[color:#EEEE00]C
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asib Offline OP
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Ameglian cow
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I tried its doesnt work here is something EX:
* Joins: e587 (~j420@GB-2D7C4789.we.client2.attbi.com)
* Joins: q6923 (~d7707@GB-632348F5.midsouth.rr.com)
* Joins: x4910 (~n4257@GB-352E111F.canton01.mi.comcast.net)
* Joins: z2501 (~x178@GB-2D7C4789.we.client2.attbi.com)
* Joins: i7059 (lnno@GB-A772D006.albqrq01.nm.comcast.net)
* Joins: g9852 (applet_Cha@6163627C.3D416555.658E6DE5.IP)
* Joins: r8323 (~p3109@E888FF27.2F141900.A6475C2.IP)
* Joins: t6515 (lnno@GB-A772D006.albqrq01.nm.comcast.net)
* Joins: i1113 (~z8773@GB-336E98B2.mad.wi.charter.com)
* Parts: p9366 (Rick18@GB-BEFEC5F8.client.comcast.net)

* fwgw276 (to@351D6674.D03BFAC8.1C43F168.IP) has joined #XX
* xlto309 (lt@ChatBD-3B84ABAB.dsl.telesp.net.br) has joined #XX

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asib Offline OP
Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
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; Drone bot kicker
IF (($cps.rval($1,N5,1) == 1) && ($istok(%controlchan,$1,44) == $true)) {
; I haven't seen a person having the word guest in his/her nick and be a drone bot
IF (guest isin $2) { return }
IF (~ !isin $address($2,5)) { return }
IF ($istok(%drone.exp,$2,44) == $true) {
; If the length of nick is more that 15 nicks delte the oldest one
IF ($numtok(%drone.exp,44) >= 15) { SET %drone.exp $deltok(%drone.exp,1,44) }
; Check if joining nick is in exception list
IF ($istok(%drone.exp,$2,44) == $true) { return }
; A done nick is generally greater that 4 letters
IF ($len($2) >= 5) {
; Some common words that not in drone bot
IF ((*xtr* iswm $2) || (*cks* iswm $2) || (*ri* iswm $2) || (*sp* iswm $2) || (*sh* iswm $2) || (*blac* iswm $2) || (*trri* iswm $2) || (*shr* iswm $2) || (*rld* iswm $2) || (*nts* iswm $2) || (*pl* iswm $2) || (*chd* iswm $2) || (*psy* iswm $2) || (*hyd* iswm $2) || (*hts* iswm $2) || (*mr* iswm $2) || (*ngs* iswm $2)) { return }
IF ((*www* iswm $2) || (*away* iswm $2) || (*str* iswm $2) || (*[a]* iswm $2) || (*abc* iswm $2) || (*guy* iswm $2) || (*gal* iswm $1) || (*boy* iswm $2) || (*blr* iswm $2) || (*ly* iswm $2) || (*ngh* iswm $2) || (*cklen* iswm $2)) { return }
;my eleet drone bot check routine =P~
var %dr = $mid($2,2,$calc($len($2) - 2))
IF ((a isin %dr) || (e isin %dr) || (i isin %dr) || (o isin %dr) || (u isin %dr)) { return }
IF ($2 ison $1) {
while ($numtok(%droned,44) >= 15) { set %droned $deltok(%droned,1,44) }
set %droned $addtok(%droned,$2,44)
thrash $1 $2 drone

This is that One i use to use ! its works sometime its deosnt work sometime ! plus its show show to slow !

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Well, the other thing you could do if it is only those ISPs is ban them (some examples):

mode # +b *!*@*.we.client2.attbi.com
mode # +b *!*@*.midsouth.rr.com
mode # +b *!*@*.comcast.net
mode # +b *!*@*.IP

Is that an EXTREME banning situation? Sure. Would it work? Most likely yes. Also, another thing you could do is:

mode # +b *!~*@*

Just some ideas for you to kick around if none of the above work. Also, Hammer, thanks for the REGEX method smile

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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on @!*:JOIN:#: if ($regex($nick, /^(?:[a-z][a-z]?\d{3,})$/)) ban -k $chan $nick 2 Not interested, thanks anyway. 

New username: hixxy
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asib Offline OP
Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
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Thks To All.... For your help
Specail thnks to ! *tidy_trax* its Work perfactly ! smile thnks you !

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asib Offline OP
Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
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Can I Gline Those user By Server notice ?Instad Of them Connection on Channel?

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