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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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It's should be good if the mirc team could put a checkbox beside where the nickname is. For marking if the nick belongs to a girl or a boy. Couse it's some times hard to to know if the nick belongs to a girl or a boy. Mirc is a good place for meeting girls but it makes it difficult to know some times.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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This is not supported by the IRC protocol, and other clients
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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But if mirc add that the rest of the irc clients maby will add that to. or is it imposible to add that becouse of the IRC protocol?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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What's wrong wth asking a/s/l?
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Maybe this is possible without IRCd support, but... mIRC would have to request that info from other users, what about not-supporting-this clients? Their users surely don't want to get CTCPs/notices/privs every time when someone enters a channel. And look at Microsoft(R) Chat - it's most hated IRC client, because it has some weird features like that :tongue:
As for supporting this by others.. i don't want mIRC to became Microsoft 2. mIRC is not for setting it's own standards.
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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Thats only english that know what that is, and it's rude to ask a girl her age. And you can't ask i girl only for sex couse that´s meens somthing else.
Last edited by ojhan; 15/02/03 05:03 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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id suggest asking someone before u try getting it on with them ...... i mean ya cant walk up to a complete stranger on the street and jump on em ...... so why think u can in chat just because they are female??? best poplicy is to ask ...... if they lie to ya well then u just take ur chances
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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He didn't say he wanted to 'get it on' - if I understood correctly, he said you can't ask the 's' part of a/s/l cos it looks like you're asking for something else! And depending what part of town you're in, it's easy enough to tell what sex a person is when you're walking down the street. :tongue:
Never compare yourself to others - they're more screwed up than you think.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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/me grins at Poppy.. i can remember more than a few patients about whom it was anyone's guess.
To the original poster: in general most ppl interpret a/s/l to mean the asker wants to know how old you are, what sex you are and where you are. ( i wont get into what i think of anyone asking that or their motives) Keep in mind that there are ppl who dont want to give that info out and wouldnt want to fill in some checkbox, there are others who will lie whether asked directly or if they had to check a box.
ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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If you do not want to ask for "sex" there is always the word "gender". "What's your gender?"
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I agree with everyone that sometimes a person will lie about their age, or feel uncomfortable posting it....of course there are people out there that make popups so when someone asks that annoying phrase every 5 minutes (a/s/l) they reply with the popup. but the the only way you are gonna be able to get somebodys gender is by asking them directly.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I dunno, maybe it's just me but the thing I hate MOST on IRC is when someone you've never even met before just msgs you and says "asl?" If I want to give out that information, I am quite capable of doing so. I don't need a person to ask me to tell them, and I certainly don't need mIRC to do it for me. My friends already know that information, so there would be no need for them to ask, and personally I don't want people who aren't my friends to have it, they have no reason to. After the person msgs me this one time I will prolly never hear from them again, so why should they be entitled to personal information?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Then you have the very few times when that same person will do the same thing to you like a week later and they play stupid that they've never chatted with ya before. Yes i agree someone asking a/s/l does in fact get annoying. That is part of the reason why i turn my private messaging off. If i want to PM someone I will make the effort to do so (which is really rare). Like i said before, If someone wants to know that information, I will give them that information at my discretion but I dont think it should be included into mIRC because the age field wouldnt always give another user an accurate answer everytime since someone could just lie about it anyways...course im not telling you anything that you dont already know!
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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I think the option for inputting a/s/l info would be a good idea. Would help relieve ppl from having to insert "MaleGA" or "Fem24" within thier nick to help distinguish gender when wanting to display that kind of info, plus would allow a new angle for conversation initiation by location for some without the need to ask. I for one would use such an option if available. Could display within an info line such as a /whois line or create a new command to display or something. I do agree with a lot of you that ppl may tend to lie about such info, but so what?, is no different than them lying to you if you asked them anyway. And of course if you don't want that information displayed, you don't have to use it. Many ppl don't want that kinda info available which allows for more anonymousity if one so chooses. Could simply display "Not Available" or "N/A" or something in its place. But for those who want to use the option, it will be there. May also eventually allow ppl the ablility to assign separate nick colors by gender, age or age range, and location if one would choose. (Once again prompting another argument for enhancing mIRC's inability to assign more than 16 colors at one time, but that's a whole new thread all together!) Would be a welcomed feature to many and I think molding applications around the wants/needs of the user help make for a better program and "user experience". As far as implementation, I'm not nearly as well versed as a great many of you concerning code and protocol, and as far as someone actually doing it, that's another issue as well, but am sure it can be done. Any input or opinions are welcomed because that is essentially all this is at the moment. Will catch y'all later. 
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You do have a point but none-the-less, that is still up to the creator of mIRC. I'm not saying that i'm totally against it, I'm simply stating that for some that may be a bad idea to give out any sort of information that they do not feel comfortable giving out. But for some yes it would make things alot easier and maybe cutting down on the whole a/s/l thing. But also there is the choice to lie about it too. But if it is implemented into a future version then I wouldn't have a problem with it. Anyways its all optional isn't it.
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Nah, it would leave IRC without its famous and funny "Gender mistakes". If you want to stress your gender, use your /whois info.
Sincerely, Necroman, #mIRC @ Undernet
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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well im sure simply adding a line to ur info inside of mirc wouldnt be as much as a problem as first getting all the ircd developers to then insert a raw mode for this line to respond into and then making it apply to all the whois ...... ofcourse this would only then work in a server which has that "new" coded ability ..... and none of the ones who dont have it coded ....... it would take both sides working together to actually impliment this feature ....... mirc itself cannot make a new protocal and its simply accepted by all ircd coders and developers ........ typically mirc has been coded after ircd changes have been made to work with them not before they are made ...... maybe if this feature were to have more behind it u should also suggest this to ircd developers sites as well ... that way both sides who would be a party to this would then be able to decide whether they would want to use it or not??? ..... again just my opinion of it too ...... i personally would go to the N/A side of things if it were enabled but i do understand ur views and u do make a very good arguement for it
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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yeah Necroman, you do make a good point about just putting the info in an existing /whois line and I agree. Personally most of my statements are long enough that I usually don't have room, but if I were wanting to stress the a/s/l thing, I'm sure I could make it. But as far as that goes, the extra option would allow for ppl not seeming as though they're "stressing" it. More would end up displaying that way. And I guarantee that if it were available, you may not use it to display your own info, but would at one point or another you'd be curious enough to check out if someone else has that info posted. Either way, as D3m0n stated it would take quite a bit of agreement on the behalf of coders on both sides of the fence, so I really don't see this idea coming to life anytime soon, but at least now it's somewhat documented. Later all.
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Interesting idea. This kind of thing wouldn't require any changing of IRC like people are describing - you'd just simply add an options dialog to mIRC and make it a CTCP reply, ie. /ctcp user asl (or something less lame :P). Other clients can join in if they like.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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No one here said anything about IRC being changed by this. This was just a suggestion toward future planning of the mIRC Client. IRC no matter what will be changed by this suggestion. It really isn't a bad idea with the exception that this feature which by the way who knows will make it to a future version or not but it would probably be an optional choice.