Yeah I noticed that and that's the output I thought and created. Was just making sure before I posted the code

Put this in your Remotes section of the Script Editor (if you didn't already know, if so, my apologizes)
alias filter.nicks {
; ensure the file 'nick.txt' exists and isnt empty
if (($file(nick.txt)) && ($lines(nick.txt))) {
; clear the temporary file before writing to it
write -c nick-temp.txt
; filter 'nick.txt' using the alias 'filter.nicktemp'
filter -fk nick.txt filter.nicktemp
alias filter.nicktemp {
; write the output to nick-temp.txt
; the $deltok($1,2,174) simply removes the second token
; delimited by 174 which is ®, then writes the output to
; the file
write nick-temp.txt $deltok($1,2,174)
You can just remove the comments if you like, just trying to explain the code so you get an idea on how to do some things