[Friday 21 January 19:49:12] * Joins: LethPhaos (~zethbot@d54C27CC5.access.telenet.be)
[Friday 21 January 19:49:12] * Tig- sets mode: +v LethPhaos
[Friday 21 January 19:49:12] * Quits: LethPhaos (~zethbot@d54C27CC5.access.telenet.be) (Registered)
[Friday 21 January 19:49:12] * Joins: LethPhaos (~zethbot@LethPhaos.users.quakenet.org)
[Friday 21 January 19:49:12] * stockholm.se.quakenet.org sets mode: +v LethPhaos
This is the result of a perform script that sets me user mode +x (this is a quakenet mode).
It makes me rejoin all channels with my hidden uhm < thing that's behind the @

I want mIRC only to join my favourite join channels from channel list after the usermode is set, so that I'm not joining 2 times each time.
At the moment I created a on connect event with a timer to join all the channels manually. Is there a better way?
Like an on connect event that triggers when my usermode +x is set (maybe with raw?), which is followed by joining all the channels in the favourite list.
I hope I made myself clear

Thanks in advance!