I was wondering if TLS encrypted irc server support could be added to mIRC? Slashnet (Unrealircd) supports using TLS to connect to the server, and I can use irssi to connect securly.
OpenSSL can provide the security libraries you need to setup/use the encryption, it will compile for windows out of the box. Fortunately, you are outside the grasp of the US so you don't have to worry about bogus encryption regulation (I hope...)
Hopefully the "hard part" is just linking mirc to the TLS, AES, and SHA libraries. The rest should just work like regular IRC, with each packet being sent to the TLS library for encryption and trasmission.
I think this is a good addition because mirc has a massive installed userbase, and could help give encrypted IRC and (unrealircd's) +z mode the boost it needs. +z makes it so only securely connected clients may join a chanel.
00:59 !radon.slashnet.org *** You are connected to radon.slashnet.org with TLSv1-AES256-SHA-256bits