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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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It would be good if mIRC came with a swear filter. Alot of people either dont like to see swearing on their screen (from other people), or have kids that lurk around the computer.
I was going to write my own swear filter.
on ^*:TEXT:*:#: { echo $chan < $timestamp > < $nick > $replace($1-, swearword1, ****, swearword2, ****, swearword3, ****) | haltdef }
But thats not that clean.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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if you don't like swearing, don't use irc, or join a channel that can set mode +G (unrealircd or possibly others) or use somethin more aimed at younger people.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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good move.....
< 12:32:01 > < DaveC > Sorry Im half hour late for lunch my wris****ch stopped.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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more like
<nick> you a ******* ***** *****
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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well dahhhhhh
if ya dont like a swear word you make a kick for it eg:------> on *:TEXT:*swearword*:*:/kick # $nick Please dont use profanity in here
Last edited by bash109; 26/11/04 07:10 AM.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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-flame removed- I dont know why I bother asking questions in here where all the kiddies like to reply with lame responses.
"If you dont like it then dont use it!"
I think youre forgetting that this is a "Feature Suggestions" topic. If you dont have something constructive to say about the topic, then dont bother.
Some people dont like to see swear words, and its the right of the viewer to have those words masked out.
-flame removed- I didnt say I wanted to block swearing in a channel. I could easily do channel mode +G. Secondly, a /kick or /ban will not prevent the swearing from getting to the channel. the /kick happens after it makes it to the channel. Youve obviously completely missed my point.
Danthemandoo: "if you don't like swearing, don't use irc, or join a channel that can set mode +G (unrealircd or possibly others) or use somethin more aimed at younger people."
"If you dont like swearing then dont use irc" sounds like the resolution from someone who doesnt know how to fix it. What a lame resolution idea! Are you saying that younger people dont swear? lol
Last edited by Mentality; 27/11/04 08:10 AM.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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i'm saying that Khaled shouldn't have to waste his time coding something for whining people who can't take a few swear words without being offended.
Besides, the solution is easily codable, and any ways of getting round that code will be exactly the same as an inbuilt filter.
if (($istok($1-,swearword1,32)) == $true) || ($istok($1-,swearword2,32) == $true)) { or you could use a loop to loop thru lines in a text file containing the swear words.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Then I guess Khaled shouldnt have written a "perform" section, so people didnt have to manually type in a command to identify to nickserv after connect.
-Flame removed-
Just because you dont mind the swearing, doesnt mean that everyone thinks like you do. If someone didnt want to see the swearing, then obviously they wouldnt want to code a workaround. An inbuilt swear filter with the option to enable/disable would be widely used by alot of adults and parents. -edit-
Once again, this is a Feature Suggestions topic, so take your non-constructive whinging elsewhere.
Last edited by Mentality; 27/11/04 08:11 AM.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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ya know...calling people idiots isn't going to help bring them round to your point of view... I'd estimate it'd take Khaled about $20 worth of time to add a swear filter, so you are more than welcome to send him that cash. Feature suggestions...yup, its to suggest things, but to suggest something that the majority of users are going to use. Should Khaled make an inbuilt flood kicker, or a list of ircop commands, or a dialog to control sockets, or inbuilt games, or make mIRC auto /who or /whois people who join the channel, or make mIRC able to script with java, or VB, or C, or C++, or python. Just because the minority of users want something added, it doesn't mean that it will be or should be. If a swear filter gets put into any of the next 10 releases, then i will gladly apologise to you, but until then you will get as much respect as you deserve, which is very little if you are going around forums spouting things like -edit- [Edit] after TroyBoy is allowed to retort, this topic should probably be locked else it's probably gonna end up being like "mIRC does not pick URL out properly" cuz i can't keep my mouth shut 
Last edited by Mentality; 27/11/04 08:12 AM.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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A swear filter NEEDs to be internal to irc, or mirc scripting needs the ability to modify incoming text before it gets to your screen. Otherwise you cant properly script your own swear filter.
The majority of users are chatters. A flood kicker isnt used by chatters. its used by channel owners. Most of that functionality already exists with eggdrop scripts, and ircd's.
irc op commands dont need to be inbuilt. They are external to the client and are easily scripted. Im suggesting a swear filter to be inbuilt because its currently not possible (to my knowledge) to modify incoming text without halting the text and /echo'ing it to your screen.
User mode +G (on unreal ircd) does not filter channel swearing. Channel mode +G does filter channel swearing, but that affects the entire channel, and not just the end-user. filtering done on an ircd level increases the servers workload. It makes alot more sense to block it on the clients side.
It isnt a difficult task to add a swear filter to mirc. It doesnt have to be used by the majority to make it feasible to have scripted. It just needs to be something that a large number of people find necessary to use the product.
Take net nanny for instance. Would you tell parents to not use the internet because theres porn sites on the internet? No, you purchase software that has the ability to block such sites. I personally dont know anyone who has net nanny, but im sure theres alot of people that use it. But it still exists. Because people have the need for it. Same goes for voice recognition software. Its not used by the majority, but its still widely used. It has a purpose. And its essential for alot of people to use mirc.
I am just surprised that it doesnt already exist considering the large number of mirc users, and the fact that its been out for over 10 years.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I think the reason Khaled has't added such a feature already is because of the number of different spoken languages that make up the IRC community. If a swear filter were hardcoded in to mIRC, Khaled would have to filter every one of those languages - and that's no mean feat.
The advantage of scripting such a feature is that it can be taylored to your specific language easily and only you decide what gets filtered and what doesn't.
<Rant> I personally don't understand the reasoning behind people's getting offended by swearing as they're merely just ordinary words. I mean, would you get upset if someone used a different word with exactly the same meaning as the one that offends you? Such as 'sex' for the 'F-word', for example. At any rate, taking offense to swearing only gives the swearer power as they now have a weapon to use against you - a weapon that just resides in your head. </Rant>
So, to draw this meandering post to a close, the upshot is that it's just not practical to hardcode a swear filter in to mIRC
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hmm, this thread seems to be running wild.. oh well.
TroyBoy; regardless of the replies, your feature suggestions are more than welcome and greatly received, the message board is here for that reason.
As for the negative replies, they are just peoples personal views, however extreme them may seem, and at the end of the day, they have no baring on whether or not a swear filter is added into mIRC.
That said, that is no excuse to rant and rave calling people idiots.
Danthemandoo; I don't exactly know if you can program or what, but what gave you the impression it would take '$20' worth of time to code a swear filter?
Secondly, no, things the majority want are not always added, nor vice-versa, the deciding factor is whether Khaled thinks the idea is a suitable step forward for mIRC.
A filter to mask specific words could be a valuable asset, I mean, just because its there doesnt mean you have to use it although you would need to be able to edit the entire list.
DekuHaze, different languages would make no difference, at the end of the day they are all common characters, if you can type them theres absolutely no reason they can't be filtered.
That said and done.. this might help TroyBoy.
alias swear { if ($1 == -a) { swear.load | hadd -m sfilter $2 $iif($3,$3,$str(*,$len($2))) | swear.save | echo 2 -a * Swear filter list updated. } elseif ($1 == -d) { swear.load | hdel sfilter $2 | echo 2 -a * Swear filter list updated. } elseif ($1 == -l) { swear.load | var %i = $hget(sfilter,0).item | while (%i) { echo -a -> %i $+ . $hget(sfilter,%i).item | dec %i } } elseif ($1 == on) || ($1 == off) { set %swear $$1 } else { echo 2 -a * Swear filter is; $iif(!%swear,off,%swear) } }
alias swear.load { if (!$hget(sfilter)) { hmake sfilter 10000 if ($isfile(sfilter.hash)) { hload sfilter sfilter.hash } } }
alias swear.save { hsave -o sfilter sfilter.hash }
On *:text:*:#:{ echo -bflirt $chan < $+ $nick $+ > $swear.view($1-) | haltdef }
alias swear.view { if (%swear != on) { return $1- } var %t = $1- var %i = 1 while ($numtok(%t,32) >= %i) { if ($hget(sfilter,$gettok(%t,%i,32))) { var %t = $reptok(%t,$gettok(%t,%i,32),$hget(sfilter,$gettok(%t,%i,32)),32) } inc %i } return %t }
/swear -a [color:red]swearword replacement[/color] Will add a word to your fitler list.
/swear -d [color:red]swearword[/color] Will remove a word to your fitler list.
/swear -l will list your filter words.
/swear [color:red]on|off[/color] - wil l turn the filter on/off.
It filters the words from the channel only, add more of the following lines similiarily to have it work elsewhere. i.e Private messages.
On *:text:*:[color:red]?:{ echo -bflirt $nick < $+ $nick $+ > $swear.view($1-) | haltdef }[/color]
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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DekuHaze, different languages would make no difference, at the end of the day they are all common characters, if you can type them theres absolutely no reason they can't be filtered. What do you mean? Swear words aren't universally the same. The 'F-word' in German or Welsh, for example, is not the as the English version. Also, you're not filtering out individual letters, are you? You're filtering groups of them, in a specific order, which make up the word. This in turn leads to problems when talking about perfectly legitimate things, like Scunthorpe.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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or mirc scripting needs the ability to modify incoming text before it gets to your screen It does. /help halting default text
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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'Built-in' does not mean, hard coded words, it means giving the user ability to use that function, so you are able to add your own words.
Just like, for example, your NOTIFY list, Khaled isn't going to say 'Bob' must be in your notify list by default, and should you not like the idea of NOTIFY, simply don't add anyone to it and you won't be bothered by it.
And, yes, they are filtered out as a predefined (by the user) set of letters, however, a word is not a word unless it has spaces either side.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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you know why i dont think mirc has one, is becuase as soon as you put one in, people well start to do things to swear and get arround it, "Phuck U arssewipe" , they do it all the time already on bad word kicking channels. As i think was said earlier there is one word filter command in mirc already that no one can beat /PART
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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That might seem like a good solution to you (Someone who doesn't care about chatting in the channels he joins), but if he does like chatting in the channels he joins then it's an awful solution.
I personally don't care if this gets added or not, but if it does I think it should definitely be configurable (The ability to add and remove words from the list) - not just block words that Khaled considers swearing, that way you can add all variations of swearwords if you like.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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oh i was just having a little dig, i think its the same as TV, people get all upset about soemthing thats on, when all they need to do is press that filter control called "OFF"
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Okay, now I have time to post... (some may have noticed this thread was locked for awhile, I simply didn't have time to post anything before rushing out the door) This is indeed a feature suggestion forum, however, please maintain common courtesy at all times. To others, please respect the fact that someone has taken the time to register and post their idea, however inappropriate/stupid/time-wasting you feel it is. Nothing wrong with having an opinion, nothing wrong with even having an opinion that conflicts with the suggestion, but please keep to these friendly guidelines. I've unlocked the thread. TroyBoy/Danthemandoo, if you wish to continue the argument, do so in private message, or just end it. This thread is unlocked so others who wish to may voice their opinion in a polite manner. Naturally, should the thread deteriorate back into flaming, it'll be locked again, permanently. Thanks all  Regards,
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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From codekill: On *:text:*:?:{ echo -bflirt $nick < $+ $nick $+ > $swear.view($1-) | haltdef } Hi codekill, thanks for a realistic reply to this thread  I dont have a problem coding what you suggested, but the majority of users dont know anything about scripting. Alot of users also like to have their fancy colouring and formatting, so the "on *:text:" example above would not successfully pass through other mirc scripts that they may have loaded. Hence why I was suggesting that it would be filtered internally before it even makes it to the users remotes. Heres how one of my friends mirc looks (invision): [10:51:15pm] 4[mynick4]13 shop Their <nick> is [nick] (and colour coded), and so is their text. if you used your example above, that formatting would be lost. Having it processed internally by mircs swear filter would solve that problem. I dont see any way to avoid all this mess with a custom made remote script. I did email khaled and never received a reply. I entered an appropriate subject in the hope it would get read, but I sent it from my only email account (yahoo), which may have been blocked or forwarded to junk mail.