Ok, i need a little help with this one please
I have a dialog "
docked" to the side of my screen
in it is an "
edit box" id number
edit "", [color:green]42[/color], 4 326 80 10, [color:red]return[/color]
The above code is part of my dialog, and looking at the help file, says
i need the return value added to the end so that i can use the return key
after i have typed in some words.
I also have the following code, a little further down in my code
on 1:dialog:chanset:edit:[color:green]42[/color]: {
msg MyBot <message whatever text i type in here>
Basicly what i want to do, is using the id number
42 enter text in the edit box
to PM MyBot with a text trigger
Or in other words, i type "
TEST" in the edit box, and press the return key to PM MyBot with the text trigger
TEST" or any other word for that matter, for example "
hello" "
goodbye" and this gets PM'd to MyBot.
Does anybody understand what i mean ??

i just need help with getting return to work in an edit box with my choice of text
Have read and reread the mIRC help file esp on edit boxes and /did and dialogs

mIRC V6.16