ok guys i have a person who keeps joinning my room and harassing one woman in particularr.i really need to be able to stop him from entering but each ban i do,he just changes his nick and comes back in,i have done a whois and gotten the info and have used in in a script to automatically ban him on entry but it does not work,please help..this is very important..
on @*:join:#my channel name here: {
if ($address($nick,2) == 540cf85.1654620b.bflony.adelphia.net *
) {
mode $chan +b $address($nick,2)
kick $chan $nick You Have Been Warned!
so if someone could help me with this i would greatly appreciate it..i have this script in my remote section,is there anything else i have to do to make it work or is it just a syntax error,thanks in advance for the help.