"All commands have this "problem". Seeing why is pretty simple: parameters are space dilimited, while in most other languages (and mIRC's identifiers) they're comma delimited."
All of you who have stated that this is not a bug, "because of the way mIRC works with the space delimiter" are wrong, why? In every RegEx like software, delimiter (like blank space) closed in the quotation marks, is no longer delimiter. It's just an ordinary character, like all the others, and the statement like "file__.exe" is perfectly correct.
Naming the files "correctly"

hmh, what should Bill Gates say, if we ask him to forbid multiple blanks in the filenames?

it would be ok, I suppose, but it would be a nonsense, considering that the quotation marks do the job.
So, why should we make limits and check for the "correct" file names if we dont have to? what if you deploy a script, and the script-user has already named files in such a way? Will you blame him, because your script is not working well??
Well, I won't do that. I'll try to find the way to leave the filenames like they are, and try to workaround in the mIRC to get the results...
This is a bug