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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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this one was working before but now it is not what is should do: If a line is hello you it should make all letters to dots so ..... ... but $rand(0,6) normal .e..o y..
alias hnt {
%a = 1
%b = $len($1-)
%hnt = $null
%hnts = $rand(0,6)
while (%a <= %b) {
if ($mid($1-,%b,1) != $chr(32)) {
if (%hnts >= 1) {
%hnt = . $+ %hnt
dec %b
dec %hnts
elseif (%hnts <= 1) {
%hnt = $mid($1-,%b,1) $+ %hnt
%hnts = $rand(0,6)
dec %b
elseif ($mid($1-,%b,1) == $chr(32)) {
%hnt = $chr(32) $+ %hnt
dec %b
return %hnt
it was working before, I tried to change something but appereantly fcked it up
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I remade it, but every so often it goes into an infinite loop and you have to ctrl+break it, but i'll post it anyway because someone else might know what's wrong with it. Here's some of the results for //echo -a $hnt(hello world!): he.lo world! h..lo.wo..d. h.llo world! h.l.o.w..l.! alias hnt {
var %i = 1, %l = $len($1), %r = $rand(0,6), %n, %ret
if (%r == 0) { return $1 }
while ($count(%ret,.) < $iif(%r > %l,%l,%r)) {
%i = 1
while (%i < %l) {
if ($rand(1,2) == 1) && (%n != %r) && ($mid($iif(%ret,$v1,$1),%i,1) != .) {
%ret = $+($mid($iif(%ret,$v1,$1),1,%i),.,$mid($iif(%ret,$v1,$1),$calc(%i + 2)))
inc %n
inc %i
return %ret
} Edit: Heh, my bad, I did the opposite of what you wanted ($rand(0,6) were .s, not letters), here's the one you want (and it doesn't seem to go into an infinite loop ): alias hnt {
var %i = 1, %l = $len($1), %r = $rand(0,6), %n, %ret
.echo -q $regsub($1,/./g,\.,%ret)
while ($regex(%ret,/[^\.]/g) < $iif(%r > %l,%l,%r)) {
%i = 1
while (%i < %l) {
if ($rand(1,2) == 1) && (%n != %r) {
%ret = $+($iif(%i > 1,$mid(%ret,1,$calc(%i - 1))),$mid($1,%i,1),$mid(%ret,$calc(%i + 1))))
inc %n
inc %i
return %ret
Last edited by tidy_trax; 11/10/04 06:21 PM.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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its not supposed to go into a infinite loop:) but I dont know nothing about $count so cant say whats wrong, thanks for the help lets hope for more replys:)
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I edited my post and it works now.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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I tried it ~10 times, and got once in a infinite loop
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Hoopy frood
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The second one? That doesn't happen with me: h.l...w...d. h..lo ...... ...l.....l.. h.... ..r.d. ..l.o ...... h........... ....o..or... h.l.. ..rld. he.......... .e.......... .e..o....... .e.l........ h.llo....... h.ll. ...... he.l. ...... h..l........ ............ ....o..o.l.. he.l. ..r.d. h.... wo....
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Triggered with: //echo -a $hnts21(lalalala) (changed alias name to alias hnts21 for i already had alias hnt)
.a..l... la...... la.ala.. .a...... ........ * Break: command halted (line 26, ownstuff.nns) .ala.al.
is what I get after using it some times.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hi eendje, sorry I have been afk for so long, I still don't have internet Usage: $hint(string)
alias hint {
var %a, %b = $regsub($$1-,/./g,.,%a), %b = $r(0,6), %c
bset -t &a 1 %a
bset -t &b 1 $1-
while %b {
%c = $r(1,$bvar(&b,0))
bcopy &a %c &b %c 1
dec %b
return $bvar(&a,1-).text
In certain situations, the number of substitutions of different characters could be less than the random generated number, so maybe you could change $r(0,6) to $r(0,7) to balance the odds. Though, since it's a random number anyway, it doesn't really matter. Here are some results: .e......... he.l..w.... .e..o...r.d .e.l. w.r.d ........... .e..o...... ...lo..o..d .e......r.. ..... w.r.d ........... h...o....l. Cya! Edited code
Last edited by FiberOPtics; 12/10/04 05:39 PM.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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yes very cool:P dunno why mine doesnt work no more. one problem on your script. it doesnt skip $chr(32). sometimes it does, sometimes it doesnt, I dont know how to make the if since your using some blabla code i dont know;P
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Try this: alias hintq {
var %a, %b = $regsub($1-,/\S/g,.,%a), %r = $r(0,6), %c
bset -tc &a 1 %a
bset -tc &b 1 $1-
while %r {
%c = $pos($bvar(&a,1-).text,.,$r(1,%b))
bcopy &a %c &b %c 1
dec %r | dec %b
return $bvar(&a,1-).text
Last edited by qwerty; 13/10/04 02:23 PM.
/.timerQ 1 0 echo /.timerQ 1 0 $timer(Q).com
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I didn't make it skip spaces, because your examples in the quote from tidy trax didn't make a distinction between spaces and other characters.
I'd end up making the thing that qwerty made, so copy his version.