Ok, im trying to make a 'AI' Bot. I want to be able to add triggers to it via commands.. So like: <Me> ,add *hello* Hey Welcome! <Bot> Added Trigger: hello <Person> Hello room! <Bot> Hello Person!! Any help would be greatful!
well ud have to make it so if someone says hi then u should add this to ur scripts.ini filr : on @*:text:*hi*:#: { msg $chan Hey, Welcome! } then you need to make another scripts.ini file called sripts1.ini or another one because theres a bug if you have more than two of the same they dont work you can also add if ($chan == #channel you want it to talk in) { and put the msg into the { in that line just make sure that you dont have anything next to the {s becauseif you do so then there will be an error to make a nother script.ini file go to file new from the remote (ctrl+r) scripts thing hope this helps ;P