raw 366:*:{
  if (%var == 1) || %var == 2) { goto end }
  [color:red]elseif ($nick !isop $2) {
    .timer 1 3 part $2
    .timer 1 5 msg $eval($+(%,req,$2),2) You are not opped on channel $2 try again when you have op.
  elseif ($nick($2,0) < 5) {
    .timer 1 3 .msg $eval($+(%,req,$2),2) Request failed. You do not have the required amount of users in channel.
    .timer 1 5 .part $2
  else timer 1 3 .msg $eval($+(%,req,$2),2) Your channel meets the requirements and I will stay. Remember give me op or else my commands wont work.
  unset $+(%,req,$2)

Text marked with red doesnt work.

if ($me != geek) { $life is $false }
else { $life is $true }