Hmm. not quite. If the bot (assuming its a bot) has joined the channel between join $3 and the IF statement, then yes. But that is very unlikely, since from the /join to the IF stat. it takes miliseconds Suggestion:
on *:text:!request*:#channel: if ($2 == $me) { join $3 | set $+(%,request.,$3) $nick }
on me:*:join:#: {
 if ($eval($+(%,request.,$3),2)) {
   var %nick = $ifmatch
    if ($nick($chan,0) < 5) {
      .timer 1 3 msg %nick Request failed. You do not have the required amount of users in channel.
      .timer 1 4 part $chan
    elseif ($nick($chan,0) >= 5) {
      .timer 1 3 msg %nick Your channel meets the requirements and I will stay. Remember give me op or else my commands wont work.
  unset $+(%,request.,$chan)
The above should work. It creates a variable that, when combined with the ON Join, should have the effect you want.

Hope this helps smile

Edit: you might also use Raw 366, as LocutusofBorg did. In this case, replace the [i]on me:*:join event for raw 366:*: and, under that same ON Join, replace all $chan for $2's.

Last edited by Zyzzyx26; 26/09/04 02:38 PM.

"All we are saying is give peace a chance" -- John Lennon