Hi all

Been doing a bit more of my script and am using a "docked" dialog with buttons and stuff that do varios things
ie, OP, Deop, Voice, Devoice etc.

BUT it wont work on multiserv, ie it will work on the first connected server but NOT the second

Have read the help file on scid and scon, and am not sure which one to use or how its commands go.
Can somebody please help me and show me whats wrong and perhaps an example smile

The code i`m using (i can change it to suite the rest of the commands)

ON 1:DIALOG:chanset:sclick:5 {
  tokenize 44 $$snick($active) | mode $active +ooo $1-10

I think the scid or scon goes before the tokenize, but like i said am not sure of its command line, even reading ithe help file

Thanks in advance

mIRC V6.16

Never argue with an idiot...they'll drag you down to their level and beat you up with experience