I'm working on my first mIRC bot for my internet radio station's IRC chat. I'm having some problems however, so I was wondering if anybody here can help me.
Problem 1:
on 1:JOIN:#:{
if ( $me == RockBotLive ){ /notice $nick Welcome to #rock1019 $nick $+ , a DJ is currently broadcasting live! Visit http://www.1019theedge.com to tune in. }
else { /notice $nick Welcome to #rock1019 $nick $+ ! }
- It works great if the bot's nick is RockBotLive but the else statement doesnt send the notice when the bot's name is RockBot.
Problem 2:
on 1:TEXT:!onair*:#:{
/nick RockBotLive
/ns identify ******
/topic # Rock 101.9 The Edge - Today's Hottest Rock $chr(124) Now Playing: $2- $chr(124) http://www.1019theedge.com
- How can I make this part of the script only available to ops in the channel? I tried making it "on @1:TEXT:" like a friend suggested but it didn't work.
Any help is appriciated and I hope to hear from someone soon.