I go on many servers that use lots of different mode prefixes
the problem i have is my script has a small stats echo to show how many nicks have what mode when i join a channel, but thats the ones mIRC picks up by default
 owners( $+ $xxnick($nick($1,0,q)) $+ ) ops( $+ $xxnick($nick($1,0,o)) $+ ) voices( $+ $xxnick($nick($1,0,v)) $+ ) nonops( $+ $xxnick($nick($1,0,r)) $+ ) total( $+ $xxnick($nick($1,0,a)) $+ ) 

but what happens if i want to add the other mode prefixes
such as & ! ~ and * i know .pnick does it, but how can that be added to that code to show it? i'm stumped confused

any help appriciated.