I don't know if this is a bug or what.

I have a guy on my auto-voice list with the address *!*omar@*.du.simnet.is on the channel #max
This is what I get when I try to remove him (his nick is WB|dukE)...
/avoice -r *!*omar@*.du.simnet.is
* *!*omar@*.du.simnet.is is not in auto-voice list
/avoice -r *!*omar@*.du.simnet.is #max
* *!*omar@*.du.simnet.is is not in auto-voice list
/avoice -r WB|dukE #max 3
* *!*omar@*.du.simnet.is is not in auto-voice list
/avoice -r WB|dukE #max
* WB|dukE!*@* is not in auto-voice list

This is so weird!
I have this guy on my auto-voice list with auto-voice enabled.

Can you please help me?

Curiosity killed the cat.