Welcome to the board smile

In addition to the above full name fields tend also not to be changed as often as nicknames, identds and indeed, hostnames. Most networks do not have a mode char to ban the full name field, although you might ask in your network's #help channel and see if they do.

You can use a fairly simple script to detect the full name field in the /whois, and then kick someone out based on that. Something like the following should work:

on @*:join:#channel:{ whois $nick }

raw 311:*:{
if (*[color:red]whatever
* iswm $6-) {
var %i = $comchan($2,0)
while (%i) { if ($me isop $comchan($2,%i)) { ban -k $v2 $2 Naughty ban evader } |
dec %i }

So next time you see this particularly abusive user, /whois them, find out what their full name is, and then change *whatever* to something that matches that full name.

Really, if someone is absolutely intent on getting round a ban, and have a dynamic IP such as that AOL provide their customers, it's impossible to keep someone out (except banning all of AOL).

