Took this from a website I found:
Starts the Winhelp program and displays a help file.
Winhlp32 [-g[n]] [-h] [-l topic-ID] [-k keyword] [-n context-No] [-p Popup-ID] [-w windowname] [filename]
Winhelp is a starting program for Winhlp32 for old application
<nothing> Starts Winhelp and displays the file open dialog box
-G[n] Creates a configuration (.gid) file and quits. If a number is specified, it determines which extensible tab to display by default the first time the Help file is opened. A value of 1 would be the first tab beyond the Find tab.
-h Displays the Winhlp32.hlp Help file.
-i TopicID Displays the Help topic with the specified the topic ID
-k Keyword Displays the topic identified by the specified keyword
-n ContextNo Displays the topic specified by the context number (defined in the [MAP] section of the project file)
-p PopupID Displays the specified pop-up topic. You must use the -P switch in combination with the -I or -N switch, as shown in the following examples:
Winhlp32 -P -I Exec_Winhelp Hcw
HlpWinhlp32 -P -N 311 Myfile.Hlp
-W WindowName Displays the topic in the specified window definition.
filename Opens the helpfile filename
For example to call up the Aliases page of mIRC's helpfile you'd use:
//run winhlp32 [color:red]-kaliases mirc.hlp[/color]