-General reply-
Heh, I think challenges are there to be just a little bit of fun...IRC isn't all abuse, seriousness and politics you know. Sure it tests scripter's abilities, but it's not meant to be some form of the Olympic Games, nor is it meant to be a challenge to find out who can create the best script ever...just a bit of fun for people to do if they are bored. A lot of the time, people who script say they don't know what to work on for their next project - well, whilst their thinking, they can have a go at the challenge, or other activities that various websites provide.
If there is a bug in mIRC and someone takes the time to report it, then leave Khaled to take notice of it and fix it if feasible. If workarounds are suggested, then the person who reported the bug should be thankful to the person or people that provided that workaround and use it, or put up with whatever is causing them inconvenience for the time being.