ahh, i seem to have come up with another question, a friend on the server i use, has a "background" bot, which runs in the background, very useful, i love it, i'm trying to make the background bot and the stats bot work together, and have

sockwrite -tn beowulf PRIVMSG $2 :Collecting stats for %RS.statname $+ ...

in the alias stat part.... that works fine, Beowulf sends that msg, but when i try to send the stats.... it doesn't work..... i replaced the on sockclose event with this...
 On *:sockclose:stat:{
  if %RS.info {
    sockwrite -tn beowulf PRIVMSG $2 :Stats for %RS.statname $+ : %rs.info  
  else {
    sockwrite -tn beowulf PRIVMSG $2 :Couldn't find stats for %RS.statname
  unset %RS.*

but it won't work, Beowulf won't send the stats msg, i put an echo %RS.info above the sockwrite part, and it will echo it, i was wondering if it has to do with the on sockclose event, so it won't actually write to the other socket?