Alright.. here is what we have going.. The popular game runescape has hiscores that are avalable on their website.. and we have it so you can type !stats <username> and the hiscores come up ONLY problem is it only displays the stats you can have. Not the actual level. Here is the code we have going so far


alias stat { set %rs.statname $1 | sockopen stat 80 }
alias -l htmlfree var %x, %i = $regsub($1-,/(^[^&lt;]*&gt;|&lt;[^&gt;]*&gt;|&lt;[^&gt;]*$)/g,$null,%x), %x = $remove(%x,&amp;nbsp;) | return %x
on *:text:!stats*:#: {
  if ($network == windfyre) {
    stat $2
on *:SOCKOPEN:stat: {
  var %url = /aff/runescape/hiscorepersonal.cgi?username= %rs.statname
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET %url HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: $+ $crlf $+ $crlf
on *:input:#: { if ($1 == !stats) { stat $2 } }
on *:SOCKREAD:stat: {
  if ($sockerr &gt; 0) { return } 
  var %temptext | sockread %temptext
  if (*Attack&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/td&gt; iswm %temptext) {
    %rs.attack = %rs.attack $htmlfree(%temptext)
    set %rs.msg %rs.msg %rs.attack 

that there plus Defence and WoodCutting and all the other stats only displays This:

!Stats Shenwu
Shenwuu :: Overall Attack Defence Strength Hitpoints Magic Cooking Woodcutting Firemaking Mining

Where attack is it needs to display the Attack Level, and so on down the list..

Someone else who made a script like this but isnt realising his code keeps syaing something about isnum <-- should be used.. But he says he doesnt know how to script yet he jumped right into sockets *rolls eyes*

Please try to help me out smile

- Andrew Berquist, Windfyre Network