ok it can be done here is a code snippet that you can use to figure out how to make more drop downs.

 dialog dropdown {
  title "stuff here"
  size -1 -1 305 220
  text "nick",3,82 12 40 14
  combo 1,125 8 100 100, drop
  text "name",4,5 45 45 14, center
  text "",7,70 45 200 14
  text "Servers",5,5 75 45 14, center
  text "",10,70 75 200 14
  text "chans",6,5 105 45 14, center
  text "",13,70 105 230 14
  text "Aim",127,5 135 45 14, center
  text "",16,70 135 200 14
  text "email",8,5 165 45 14, center
  text "",19,70 165 200 14
  button "[close]",121, 140 190 40 25, ok center
  box "", 123, 0 30 55 155
  box "", 111, 0 30 305 35
  box "", 112, 0 60 305 35
  box "", 113, 0 90 305 35
  box "", 114, 0 120 305 35
  box "", 115, 0 150 305 35
alias namedidz { did -r dropdown 7 | did -r dropdown 10 | did -r dropdown 13 | did -r dropdown 16 | did -r dropdown 19 }
alias dropdown { dialog -md dropdown dropdown }
on *:dialog:dropdown:init:0: {
  did -a dropdown 1 NAMEHERE

on *:dialog:dropdown:sclick:1: {
  if ($did(1).sel == 1) { namedidz | did -a dropdown 7 yourname | did -a dropdown 10 somechat.com | did -a dropdown 13 #help | did -a dropdown 16 yournick | did -a dropdown 19 e-mail }

edit it the way you like it

if (Windows isin %txt.1) { /kick # $nick Windows is a badword tisk tisk tisk. }