y this suggestion few years ago was ignored?
it will allow scipters 2 allow users (using their script) 2 limit the DCC speed of files they recieve (I think).

my suggestion is 2 find a way 2 pause the ack (acknowledgement) sent by mIRC on sockread event (or sockread command) automaticly and immediatly. so I will b able 2 send it 2 the DCC server when I want- and by that controling the DCC speed of a file bing recieved.

what implemenatitions do u think use the download managers 2 limit the HTTP download speed? I mean- its the same TCP?IP protocol as in DCC which can b rewritten with sockets.

on *:sockread:getFile:{
  sockread &bvar
  bwrite %fileName -1 -1 &bvar

if u wonder where is the speed check- it is done with a timer.